Care || H!MonokumaxSelfharming Reader (Requested)

704 11 16

TW!! This contains SH, if you are sensitive to subjects along those lines please DO NOT READ

Requested by unkn0wn3nt1ty
This situation was so overwhelming. Even if I was on the side of despair, I was more or less forced to be. I was basically Junko's hostage that she just made Monokuma take care of. More like a dog. I was there for laughs and kicking around like a soccer ball. I cleaned up the dirty work, I arranged motives, and I did repairs.

Over time Monokuma became a greater friend to me. He wasn't that bad I suppose. He saw Junko as a mom so he just went along with anything she said. I felt bad for the guy, he was being used by someone he loved. Monokuma was the one who controlled the monobear. Like a remote control car! He sat at his computer and I sat next to him and we chatted while he controlled what the bear did and said to the students.

Anyways, I watched Mondo, someone I knew and watched over time, be brutally murdered and turned into butter. I cried at the sight on the screen. I rocked myself back and forth, Monokuma looked over at me.

"Hey don't cry, Y/N. It'll be over soon," He smiled weakly

"This is so horrible how can you do this!?" I screamed at him

"Mama Junko is never wrong, this is what she wants so I will do as she says" he replies

"You're sick!" I spat out

He looks at me, as if I shattered his soul. He looks at me with a desperate look, one screaming for help. Like he was hanging off a cliff, but I couldn't reach his hand. He didn't want this either, did he? My lips quiver and I run out of the surveillance room into the small closet like room I called my own. A small bed, with a dresser and a TV. Thats all that was in my room.

The execution was being displayed on my TV, so I got up and stabbed the TV multiple times. I cried and screamed as I did it. I fell to the floor, glass in my hands. I cried for 10 minutes staring at the cold floor.

I couldn't handle it anymore, I promised myself I wouldn't do it again. I have to... I have to do it. I took the knife and slowly cut my arm. Over and over, punishing myself. I deserved this, because I was on the side I despised. I cried in pain as I clutched my arm. I cut to deep.

"Monokuma, help!!" I screamed for him in pain. Instantly he busted through the door. I looked at him through blurry eyes. I stang to blink.

"Y/N oh my god. Your arm!" He ran to my side and grabbed my arm. He desperately looked around for something to stop the bleeding. He found a towel i had uses the other day to shower and he put it on my arm. He carried my bridal style to a bathroom and set my on the bathtub edge, he grabbed a washcloth and soaked it in warm water. He took out the first aid kit under the sink and turned to me.

"Give me your arm" he said sweetly. Slowly, I moved my arm towards him. The towel had a deep pink circle stained into it where I had bled our onto it. Monokuma let out a long breath out his nose. He brought the warm washcloth to my forearm. He let the water clean my skin and grabbed some rubbing alcohol.

"Here, squeeze my arm when it stings okay?" He placed my other hand on his free arm and swiftly placed a cotton pad soaked in rubbing alcohol on my cuts. I cried in pain and dug my finger nails into his arm. He let out a sharp breath, but gave me a reassuring nod. I squeezed my eyes shut. The pain stopped finally. All that was left was the burning feeling you feel after you get a cut. I groaned in agony and Monokuma spray some numbing spray on my arm. He wrapped it in bandages. Then looked at me and smiled. He put his forehead to mine.

"I like taking care of you, but don't do this again okay?"

"Its hard not to"

"I know..." he held me in his arms, "but ill fight along side you, okay?"




"..." he paused, " in love with you" he whispered

I froze in place. He loved me? Someone so wonderful cared and loved me? I couldn't believe it.

"I.." I stopped and looked at him, I just smiled like an idiot and laughed. He smiled and blushed too. He grabbed my chin.

"I want the whole world to know how much I love you. I AM IN LOVE WITH Y/N L/N," He shouted and laughed. I hugged him and softly sobbed into his neck.

"I love you, Y/N"

"I love you, Monokuma"

He lifted my face, and softly pressed his lips to mine.

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