Monokuma x Servant!Reader 🍋

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Lemon warning lol this is the longest one-shot I've ever written-🍋

Monokuma pulled on Y/N's chain as he ran down the hallway. He laughed at their attempts to keep up with him. Monokuma opened the door to his room pushing Y/N into the room.

"Gah! Be a good servant and hold my hand while I walk to my bed!" He held out his hand to the person on the floor. They looked up at him and nodded.

"Yes... Master..." they grabbed his hand he pulled them up and walked to the bed, slamming them onto it. Then he slapped them.

"You're pathetic" he said with no emotion. His playful attitude dropped. He grabbed Y/N's face. "You should apologize for being so pathetic!" He glared and pushed Y/N down.

"I-Im sorry!" They said

"Gah! Not good enough" Monokuma glared. Y/N grabbed Monokuma's hand and kissed it.

"Please...forgive me" they whispered. Monokuma smirked and shook his head.

"Gotta do better than that" Y/N, being the Ultimate Caretaker, wanted to please Monokuma. They wanted Monokuma to praise them and tell them what a good servant they are. Y/N crawled over to Monokuma and set their hand on his face. He growled and pushed them. "Touching me without permission!?" He yelled, "my my, Y/N! You've been my loyal servant for a year now and you STILL forget to ask me!" Monokuma snarls

"Im sorry, I shouldn't have touch laid my filthy hands on you that way...please let me show you how sorry I am" Y/N knew how to show him. They just have to make him feel good, not that they minded! They've loved Monokuma for a long time now.  He glared at Y/N, and scoffed turning his head.

"Fine" he said. Y/N moved onto him, planting a small kiss to his cheek. He smiled at the touch and put his hands to Y/N's waist. They moved their head to his neck and started to kiss it softly...slowly they licked up his neck planting a small kiss where they stopped. Then the door busted open.

"Monokuma...what the-" Junko was in the room. They stopped and hid their embarrassment. Monokuma glared and looked to Junko. "You need to come to do the work i set out for you! Its been there for days"

"Ugh...really!? Couldn't you see how much fun I was having with my servant!?" He yelled

"Monokuma! Now!" She yelled. Monokuma grumbled and pushed Y/N off him. Junko smirked and moved so he could walk. Monokuma pulled on Y/N's chain and they followed. He sat at the table in the library and filled out the paper work.

"Y/N?" He said to Y/N


"When Junko walked in, did I say you could stop kissing me?"

"No, Master"

"So whyd you stop?" He turned to them raising an eyebrow. They froze up. "Well? Spit it out" he spat harshly

"W-Well...I just thought you would want that stuff to b-be sorry for assuming" they whispered

"You idiot" he scoffed "you should do exactly what I tell continue doing what you were doing while I do this paper work" he smirked. Y/N blushed.

"B-But Master-"

"Now!" He yelled. Y/N yelled and nodded. They sat on his lap, Monokuma smirked and wrapped an arm around their waist. Y/N's soft lips on his neck drove Monokuma crazy. They slowly began to lick or again. Licking turned to sucking, and sucking turned to soft nibbling. Monokuma bit his lip. Y/N moved positions and began to attack another part of his neck. Monokuma let out a groan. "R-Right there...!~" he said softly in a demanding voice. Y/N yelped as Monokuma grabbed their hair pushing them closer. Y/N sucked, licked, and bit his sweet spot in desperation for him to forgive them. Monokuma let out groans of pleasure, making Y/N blush and get a little wet. Shit...really wet! Y/N let out a soft squeak, one that Monokuma heard. He growled. "S-Shut up...and keep...doing this...~" he panted as Y/N moved a little. Y/N noticed Monokuma hadn't finished his work.

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