29. poetry dump

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Spaces in your head
Aren't so little anymore
Your heart eyes looking at them eversomore
Would they love you the same?
Like they loved their special one?


You layed under the blurry sky
With blurry memories
And heart made up of plastic haywires


Day by day you look at them a little more
You tell yourself this time will be the last
But it really isn't and damn well you know


Fake senerios, fake sentences
Fake love, fake experiences
If it was all fake, then whyd it tear your soul out with a broken hiss


Youre love, you're light
Hiding so much pain
Did someone even love you right?
Youre dark, you're grey
Hiding so much pain
Did they leave in between the fight?


Fighting yourself is a battle on its own
Sometimes you got to forget
And let it go
It seems hard i know, but sometimes you need to learn how to get heartbroken


Love and lust
2 different things
With 2 different meanings
You loved them, really
But they just lusted after you daily


Heart shaped eyes when you look at them
Your friends say your stupid
Yeah stupidly in love with them


There is a long ride ahead of you
If you wait for someone to check up on you
Last is what you'll become
Even tho the race only has you

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