Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire (X Male Reader)

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If you're a Harry Potter fan and you love the books and movies, then guess what! I have the first and second year down and "Prisoner of Azkaban" is in progress right now!

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If you're a Harry Potter fan and you love the books and movies, then guess what! I have the first and second year down and "Prisoner of Azkaban" is in progress right now!

The male reader insert is a New York Italian and throughout the books, there will be a lot of swearing due to the fact that and I know Danhausen wouldn't be too happy about that lol.

The fourth year will have Y/N going rogue due to Rita Skeeter trying to mix up everything, but in the fifth year, which is "The Order of The Phoenix", it has Y/N going mega-rogue due to Umbridge becoming a member of Hogwarts and then being Headmaster later on.

You want a sneak peek of that? Here you go because I wrote this before I planned it:


From: "Order of The Phoenix"

~Hermione POV~

Cat plates smashed outside of Umbridge's office, she questioned Y/N. A mess in the DADA classroom, she questioned Y/N. A fake cat's head in Umbridge's bed, she questioned Y/N. Her flying car destroyed? She questioned Y/N.

Every time something happens, Y/N was in every one of those newspapers, especially The Daily Prophet. They just hate him for exposing them and being a rebel while The Quibbler have been praising Y/N for bringing hell to the Ministry and to Umbridge.

Speaking of whom, it just didn't sink into his head that Umbridge was going to be merciless towards him if he kept up his antics all the time, but the thing that always bothered her was that Y/N was always let go. There weren't any witnesses.


Umbitch wanted me for everything that happened and I mean everything. If someone slipped on a fucking banana peel she'd bring me into her office for it.

And the Order of The Phoenix weren't any better either. They were complaining about how the situation was being handled and I had to respond by saying, "Well in my line of work, things don't always work the way you want it to, I'm sorry."

I mean, I'm dealing with a degenerate Karen at the school and who gives a shit? Fucking Order of The Phoenix, they're sitting on their asses drinking butterbeer and meanwhile, I'm the guy in the trenches! If they don't want to be a part of this revolution, then they can go fuck themselves for all I care!

Fucking Order, they think it's a free lunch no matter what.


Yeah, that's the sneak peek of the "Order of The Phoenix" and it has shades of Joe Pesci from Casino. It's basically this and I know this will make you laugh since it's pretty spot on in my opinion: Y/N got heated about Umbridge so much that he fired his own sanity.

If you want to read the first one before Order of The Phoenix, Goblet of Fire, and everything else, please do!

Now, a sneak peek to "Goblet of Fire"...

And keep in mind: this part wasn't in the movie or the book, but I thought, "Why not a face off from each competitor in the Tri-Wizard tournament before the third task, which is the maze?"

The reason I wanted to do something like this is because I'm a big fan of trash talking and if the trash talking sounds decent, I'll invest my money. For this one, while Harry's getting mentally prepared for the maze, Y/N (Your Name) takes his place, which I think is pretty good since Y/N's good at trash talking. I mean, it makes sense, right?

Anyway, here's the sneak peek of what's to come in the face off.


Y/N: So we're playing mind games right off the bat? See, I heard that you like to impose your will on people and play mind games, but I won't be intimidated. Harry won't be intimidated. He's been beaten, starved, bruised, almost died, but he's still here, 'cause that's how he was built. Let me tell you something...

Hogwarts applauded, but I wasn't done.

Y/N: Your houses, they like to say that they're the best in the Wizarding world, but Fleur, I know that you're from France where the women are beautiful and are bushy down there, but let me explain something to you...

Fleur was stunned and was going to say something, but she said nothing as I saw Hermione and Ron trying not to laugh.

Y/N: It's not the same thing: drinking wine at a bar and having sex in the barn, and, the beef you have out there in the woods. It's not like the times where Harry has been accused of being the Heir of Slytherin, paranoid about You-Know-Who returning everyday and, that muggles are incarcerated five times the rate of their pure-blooded brethren. Here's another thing, you're friends with your schools, I'm his brother, okay?

Hogwarts just oh'd and applauded as I had to keep going, but Krum was looking to interrupt me and try to make me lose my train of thought.

Y/N: We have a bond, which is love, wait one second. Let me finish.

Krum: You had enough.

Y/N: Nah, I haven't had enough, you're gonna hear a little bit more, alright?

Everyone knew that I wasn't playing around and that made Krum shut the fuck up.


So how's that for sneak peeks? I won't do anymore because I want you to imagine what's to come later on.

Until the next cover is out, see you later!

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