~Chapter 1~

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This is the longest series I've ever written, you're welcome lmao

Now, as stated in my previous stories; this book will use they/them pronouns! I may at times write "she" at some points cuz, I'm stupid and have been using those pronouns for x readers for like, 5 years /srs so if I do, please correct me! <3

Once again, if Ranboo ever says he's uncomfortable with fanfiction/x readers, I will IMMEDIATELY unpublish this story! I don't want to make him uncomfortable in any way! I try to always listen to people's boundaries, so if he ever is like "hey, i'm not comfortable with this" let me know immediately, and I'll remove this!


Now, to whatever this is! :D


~Ranboo's POV~

I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair and looked at my laptop screen.

I was back in the US for the time being.

I was staying with my parents for a few weeks. I needed to visit them, as it'd been a while. Tubbo and I are roommates, so he's back in the UK, taking care of things in our house. As of now, I'm just stuck at home.

The reason why I'm home isn't only to see family, but it's also to see if I'd want to move back to the US... The UK recently hasn't really felt like a home for me anymore. It's a great place, but it just isn't the same anymore...

The last few weeks have been really weird. I mean, it is normally weird around this time with how me and Y/N had gotten together, but it's been weirder than usual. I just really haven't felt like myself, and I've been missing them more than usual.

I normally don't feel this way. Like– Of course I miss them! But like, what I mean is I don't usually miss them as much as I do right now. I really genuinely regret what I had done, with ending things rather than just waiting a bit longer and seeing what would happen.

I sighed and stood up to think about things more. Walking around weirdly helped. Okay, more like pacing around the room, but– Still. Just walking would help me think.

I wonder if being back in the US is what's making things so weird? Because the last time I was here for more than like, two weeks was when me and Y/N were sort of getting over our whole breakup slowly. Actually, I don't think I ever got over them...

I sighed again. Why am I just thinking about them? I couldn't get my mind off of the thought of them. Can't I just–

I was thinking about something, when out of nowhere, I started getting a call on Discord. Finally, a possible distraction from my thoughts... I walked back over to my laptop and clicked Discord, only to see that it was Tubbo calling me. Why was he calling?

"Hey, everything alright?" I asked, sitting in my chair and putting my headphones on.

"Yeah! Just calling since you've been a tad antisocial since you got to the US!" Tubbo responded. I sighed. Should I be honest? He might just say I'm crazy for thinking about them, but who knows...

"I'm fine, yeah, just... Sort of been thinking a lot, y'know?" I said.

"Ah, yeah I get that. Thinking about if you want to move there, or is something else on your mind?" Tubbo asked.

"Ah, yeah I've just been thinking about that..." I lied. That wasn't the only thing on my mind, clearly...

"You're a shit liar, Mark." Tubbo said. I sighed. Of course he'd catch on– "What are you really thinking about?"

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