~Chapter 3~

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~Your POV~

Why did I agree to this, why did I agree to this, why did I agree to this–


I was so awkward and anxious about this, I don't even know why. Well, I think I knew– GOD WHAT AM I THINKING?

Why am I overthinking a literal meeting? I already met up with him once. I need to chill the fuck out.

I paced around my room, just trying to think of the best and worst things that could happen. Best thing; We'll realize we want to genuinely try being friends again, and we'll start talking again. Worst thing; He'll kill me /j

Okay, for real though, he wouldn't kill me. I hope– Uh, worst thing that could happen is we realize it'd be too awkward, and we wasted our time talking to each other. I really hoped that wasn't the case–

I really wanted to be friends with him again. Ranboo seemed like the same person, especially over text. I hadn't talked to him since we'd decided to meetup... Was I about to–

"What in the world are you doing?" I heard Cian ask. I jumped, and looked over at them.

"Jesus, hi–" I said.

"You're pacing around like a maniac. You only do this when you're overthinking. What is going on?" Cian asked. I sighed.

"I'm meeting up with Ranboo, and I do not know how it'll go so I'm overthinking that–" I laughed awkwardly.

"Hey, it's going to be fine! If anything, it'll go great!" Cian tried to reassure me. They grabbed my shoulders. "It's Ranboo. What's the big deal?"

"I haven't talked to him since the DSMP went down..." I frowned. Cian frowned too.

"Doesn't mean he isn't the same person as he was a few years ago. From the few times I've spoken to him within the last little while, he hasn't changed a bit, maybe only matured a bit more!" Cian reassured. I sighed.

"God, I really hope you're right..." I said.

"I am. Now, you need to get going. I know the park isn't far, but still don't want to be too late, right?" Cian said. We had decided to go to the park we almost always went to before...

"I guess not..." I sighed.

"Alright then, get going!" Cian said.

"Okay, okay, I will!" I said.


I sighed as I reached the familiar park. It hadn't changed at over over the years... Maybe other than some branches on trees being gone, and things looked more dead...

I didn't know where I'd be meeting Ranboo. Like if it would be in our old spot, or if it'd be right outside. I could wait a bit, or just go in and walk around. Or I could call or text Ranboo, but... If he was driving, that wouldn't be too smart...

I sighed and just decided I'd wait outside. I was a bit early, anyway. I looked down at my phone to make sure I didn't have any messages from Ranboo, and I didn't see anything thankfully. So we're good there, no changes to the plan...

"Y/N, hey!" I heard a voice say. I looked up, and saw Ranboo. Jesus, I forgot how tall he was–

"Hey!" I waved. He walked closer.

"How are you today?" Ranboo asked.

"I'm doing pretty well, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm alright, it's really good to see you again," Ranboo smiled slightly. "Uh, mind if I hug you?"

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF "WRONG NUMBER" AND "ONLY YOU")Where stories live. Discover now