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Hi, so before this even starts, I want to say that I'm sorry for letting you all down.

I've been thinking a lot, and I've just finally decided I'm going to just end it here for now.

I have literally 0 motivation, and major writers block for this book. I feel so bad for ending it so abruptly, but I literally cannot continue writing this story. Thinking about trying to update this story specifically is just bringing my mood down, and I really just can't do it anymore. 

I'm really sorry, and I know some of you will be incredibly understanding and won't mind. But there's some people that may be upset with my decision. (I'm sure you're all upset in some way, but all or at least most of you are completely understanding <3)

I plan to write the ending when I actually genuinely feel like it. Just as of now, I don't want to do that. I can't promise the actual ending will be out anytime soon. Idk when it will be. It could be days from now, weeks, months, or maybe even a year from now. It really all just depends on when I feel like fully finishing this.

Thank you all so much for understanding, and being so patient with me.

Now, here's what I had planned for the final chapter:

Y/N and Ranboo would go on their date, and have a lot of fun. At the end, they'd kiss and Ranboo or Y/N would ask, "Well... Do you think we could continue where we left off?" the other would agree. Then, I'd skip a bit. Y/N and Cian's visa's would be accepted, and they'd be moving to the UK all together. Flick and Cian would start dating, just long distance since Cian moved to the UK. Y/N, Ranboo, and Cian are all roommates and Flick would later be joining Cian, where they'd be moving into their own place together. And with that, they'd all live happily ever after for the rest of their lives <3

Welp👏 that'll be the book for now. I love you all <3 Be sure to take you meds if you have any! Eat a full meal, stay hydrated, stay amazing, stay alive ||-// and bye for now <3

Your (hopefully) Beloved,
VelvetWhimss, signing off officially with the Wrong Number series (for now👀)

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF &quot;WRONG NUMBER&quot; AND &quot;ONLY YOU&quot;)Where stories live. Discover now