~Chapter 8~

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~Your POV~

"JESUS CHRIST WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME!? I'M ON YOUR TEAM!" Ranboo yelled as I started hitting him with whatever weapon I had. We were playing some Minecraft multiplayer thing–

"I KNOW, IT'S JUST FUNNY TO GET A REACTION OUT OF YOU!" I said. I looked over at chat. Yeahh, first stream together in a whileee– Yay?

"Why do you hate me." Ranboo said, his Minecraft character making eye contact with me.

"I don't HATEEE you–" I said.

"DO YOU LOVEEE HIMMMM?~" I heard a voice behind my door said.

"CIAN, STOP EAVESDROPPING!" I yelled, turning towards the door.

"I'M NOT EAVESDROPPING! I'M WATCHING THE STREAM IN PERSON!" Cian yelled back. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah N/N!" Ranboo said. I turned towards my computer. "Do you loVEEEEEE MEEEE?~" Ranboo asked. I felt my face go red– Thank God I didn't have face cam. But hearing that got me thinking...

"I platonically love you, Ranboo." I said. Why did that hurt to say– Immediately, chat was spamming 'FRIENDZONED' my God...

"I... Platonically love you too.." Ranboo sighed. He sounded upset–

"You good, Boo– CHAT STOP SAYING I FRIENDZONED HIM! We are just friends! So I pointed out that it was all platonic love!" I said.

"I'm fine, and damn. I see how it is!" Ranboo said.

"Aw Ranboo–" I said. Ranboo crouched and started fake crying. Dear God–

"Okay, I'm fine now," Ranboo said, now being fine. I laughed at him.

"My God, Ranboo," I laughed.

"This is boring. Hypixel SMP?" Ranboo asked. I thought for a moment.

"Actually... I think I'm going to end stream," I said.

"Alright! You do that!" Ranboo said.

"Alright, I'll be back!" I said, before deafening. I did my normal outro, then ended stream and sighed.

It felt weird. (Soul and everyone else he's influenced: No.) Playing games, and streaming with Ranboo again. I didn't mind, but it was almost... Nostalgic in ways? I didn't know how to describe it.

I'd need to undeafen soon. But in all honesty... I didn't really want to. I wanted to avoid all awkwardness, now that I've ended stream. But I knew it was best to probably unmute soon. Even then, it'd be just like how it was on stream in some ways... I sighed and opened my Discord Window, and undeafened.

"Hey, I'm back!" I said.

"I was wondering where you went! I saw you end stream, so I was just confused for a second there. Almost thought you'd left," Ranboo laughed awkwardly.

"Ah yeah, sorry! Uh..." I thought of something to say. "Cian bothered me,"

"Ahh, real surprising." Ranboo said, sarcastically. I laughed a bit.

"Yeahhh..." I said.

Jesus, we didn't have much to say...

"So, Mineplex SMP, or should we chill and talk about whatever?" Ranboo asked. I thought for a moment.

"Mineplex SMP, and chill talking?" I asked.

"That works with me," Ranboo said. Soon, we joined a random thing.

"So how have you genuinely been, Ranboo? And no bullshit." I said. Ranboo sighed and thought for a moment.

"I'd say I'm doing pretty well! Finally got a date for the subathon!" Ranboo said. (don't know if it was mentioned before, don't care enough to look. If it's already been said, oops lmao I feel like I wrote it but I actually did just look, and I cannot find it so uh- yeah lol)

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF "WRONG NUMBER" AND "ONLY YOU")Where stories live. Discover now