~Chapter 7~

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~Your POV~

I woke up, and appeared to be... On the couch? I thought for a moment, when I remembered what had happened. We were watching a movie, and I fell asleep... Cuddling Ranboo. I woke up, and I was laying down. I hadn't even acknowledged anything. That was, when I noticed...

Ranboo and I were still cuddling-

I immediately sat up, to avoid the awkwardness when he woke up. As soon as I moved, I saw Ranboo start waking up.

"Uh, hi Ranboo-" I said. He opened his eyes as he heard his name.

"What's the time?" Ranboo asked, stretching a bit.

"Uhh..." I said. I looked at the time on my phone. "8:07pm..."

"Shoot, we really slept for four hours?" Ranboo laughed, starting to sit up.

"Guess so..." I said. I looked around and noticed... Cian wasn't around. "Jesus Christ, where's Cian?"

"No clue. I fell asleep soon after you did, so..." Ranboo said. I checked my phone again, and didn't see anything from them.

"They're probably in their office right now," I guessed, standing up.

"Are you going to look?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah, because I'm confused. He didn't text me saying he left, so he's either in there or his room," I said, walking towards where it was.

"Want me to look in his room? ...Wherever that is-" Ranboo laughed slightly.

"Nah, it's fine, I've got it," I said, now actually being at the door of his office. I knocked. No answer.

I slowly opened the door, making sure to not interrupt anything if they were in there. The room was empty... It was pitch black. I turned on the light, and still nothing. I was beyond confused, but turned off the light and walked out.

"Not in there," I sighed, looking and making sure he still hadn't texted me. "Maybe they're just in their room-"

"Want me to text them?" Ranboo asked.

"You can if you'd like to," I said, now making my way to his room.

Same thing as their office; empty. I sighed, and went to check the garage, to make sure their car was there. Nope? It was gone, too now? Okay, what the hell.

"His car isn't here..." I said. Ranboo sighed.

"The moment the text was sent, my phone died." Ranboo said.

"Well shit." I said. I took my phone out, and went to text them too.

"Normally I would probably head out now, but with my phone being dead... I need to call an Uber, so-" Ranboo laughed awkwardly.

"Once I figure out where Cian went, I can give you a ride home!" I reassured.

"Are you sure? I don't mind spending money on an Uber-" Ranboo said.

"Really, I don't mind! Plus, I want to get out of the house, so..." I laughed a little awkwardly. "Alright, this prick isn't answering the phone- I'm calling them,"

"Oh boy... Have fun!" Ranboo said.

"Yeah..." I said, now dialing the number. It rang a couple times, before...

"Jesus Christ, I didn't think you'd be awake by now-" Cian laughed awkwardly.

"Where the hell did you go!? Ranboo and I just woke up, and poof! You were missing!" I said.

"Didn't get my text?" Cian asked. I had the most confused look on my face.

"What text!?" I asked.

"Hold on-" Cian said. I heard some things on their phone, before... "Ohhh, that explains a lot of the confusion-" Cian laughed awkwardly.

"What did you do-" I asked.

"The text never senttt..." Cian said. I sighed.

"Jesus Christ Cian... Good job." I said, sarcastically. As soon as I said the name Cian, Ranboo sighed with relief. I smiled at how relieved he looked now. "Now- Where did you go?"

"A uh... A friend needed someone to come over quickly to help with something- I was the first person they thought of, so... I was at their house, making sure they were okay! I didn't think it'd take long, plus you and Ranboo were passed out, cuddling, so..." Cian awkwardly explained. I sighed. At least they were alright...

"Okay, thanks for explaining... I'll let you stay there, or get home I guess. See you soon?" I asked.

"Yep! See you soon!" Cian said, before hanging up.

"What was he doing this time?" Ranboo asked.

"He was at a friend's house, because they needed help with something? He wasn't specific there at all-" I laughed slightly.

"Dear God... Well, at least they're fine." Ranboo said.

"That's what I thought too-" I said. I looked at the time. Jesus, 8:40 already- "Uh, do you need to charge your phone?"

"Uhhh, would maybe be useful for in case my parents called about where the hell I was-" Ranboo laughed awkwardly.

"Do you want to use my phone just to let them know you're all good?" I asked. Ranboo thought for a moment.

"Sure, let's just find a charger first...?" Ranboo asked.

"Right! Of course!" I said.


I gave up at the end

this is why i hate writing stuff at school, then switching to writing at home bc i immediately forget shit then get unmotivated. so sorry it was a really shit chapter today, i lost all motivation for it.

im just going to end this here, im too lazy to type out the ending so, bye for now ig.


836 words, dont care enough to get rid of a/ns and shit

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF "WRONG NUMBER" AND "ONLY YOU")Where stories live. Discover now