~Chapter 11~

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i think this chapter or the next is gonna be the last of this book because i have literally no motivation or ideas for this book anymore so yeah. sorry yall, will make another book! promise my beloveds <3


~Your POV~

"Soooo..." I said, leaning my head against Ranboo's shoulder. "Final ten minutes. You ready for the subathon to end?"

"Yes, and no." Ranboo said, looking at me.

"Wanna talk about things with it?" I asked.

"Sure? Like what?" Ranboo asked.

"No idea, anything. Just whatever's on your mind," I said. Ranboo sighed and thought for a moment.

"Kind of sad, honestly. This is the longest subathon I think I've ever done, but it's been the most fun, especially with you here." Ranboo smiled. Was he– Was he flirting???

"I've had a lot of fun too, Ranboo." I smiled. "When's the next stream?"

"Not for a while, that's for sure! I think I'm too drained for that–" Ranboo laughed.

"Very relatable–" I laughed a bit. I looked at the subs coming in. They didn't want it to get to less than ten minutes.

"My God, it's so late–" Ranboo laughed, looking at the time. It was 3am– People didn't want this to end it seemed.

"Very late. I wanna sleep." I said.

"I do too, but we've gotta survive a bit longer." Ranboo said.

"Hopefully I can..." I said, getting more comfortable.

"You can rest, you know." Ranboo said.

"Never." I responded.

"I can just wake you up for the last couple minutes! Or you can watch the VOD, even." Ranboo said.

"I've missed being in every other Ranboo subathon, there's no way I'm missing this one too." I said. Ranboo just sighed.

"You're still as stubborn as ever," Ranboo said.

"You're surprised?" I snickered. Ranboo rolled his eyes.

"Nah, not really honestly." Ranboo said.

"Exactly. But if I fall asleep, you WILL wake me up, right?" I asked. 

"Of course, my Beloved." Ranboo smiled. I felt my face heat up from the nickname. whY IS HE LIKE THIS–

"Good." Was the only thing I could think to say. I closed my eye. A couple moments of eye rest wouldn't hurt...


"N/N!" Ranboo called. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Shit, did I fall asleep–" I asked.

"Yep, and now there's two minutes left of the subathon–" Ranboo said.

"wHAT–" I immediately moved my head off of Ranboo's shoulder, and looked at his bright monitor. Yep. Almost only a minute left. "I can't believe I actually fell asleep!"

"I told you I'd wake you up, didn't I?" Ranboo said.

"Glad you did..." I sighed, rubbing my eyes. My God, why was his monitor so bright–

"Welp, now we wait for a while before this ends. When it gets to a certain time, I'll start the outro." Ranboo said.

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

"Anyway, N/N." Ranboo said.

"Ranboob." I said, looking at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Nevermind what I was about to say–" Ranboo said.

"Wait no, tell me–" I said.

"I was just going to say that I've really enjoyed my time with you this subathon..." Ranboo said.

"I've enjoyed my time with you this subathon, too." I said.

"I was wondering if you'd want to recreate one of our first streams together, just this time in person?" Ranboo asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"What was one of the first streams we did together...?" I asked. (credit to you if you remember)

"I'll explain when there isn't 30 seconds left of the subathon." Ranboo said. "Alright chat, so it looks like this might be the end of the stream, soooo... WELP–"

He started his outro. And before we knew it, the subathon ended. That was a long almost two weeks...

"So, you gonna answer my question now?" I laughed a bit.

"Yep!" Ranboo said, making sure the stream had ended. "One of our first streams together was a Minecraft date."


"I was wondering if you'd wanna do that again, just this time, in real life?" Ranboo said. I just stared at him a bit surprised. "What I'm asking is just– Do you want to go on a date? See... How things go?" 

"I knew what you had meant, I just– Needed a second to process it–" I said. Holy shit man– "Ranboo, I'd love to go on a date."


lmao i wanted to be an asshole here

and now I have no other comments, sO WELP👏 THAT'LL BE THE CHAPTER FOR TODAY! I hope you all enjoyed! And as always, I love you! Be sure to take your meds if you have any! Be sure to eat a full meal, stay hydrated, stay amazing, stay alive ||-// and bYE FOR NOW!

Your Beloved,
Velvet <3

741 words with A/Ns cuz im lazy rn

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