~Chapter 2~

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~Ranboo's POV~

I stared at Y/N in shock. They seemed to do the same thing... What the hell. I went on this walk to stop thinking of them, now I crash into them!? What's next!?

"Shoot, hey uh- B-Been a while, ay?" I laughed very awkwardly. We ended on really weird terms... How was I supposed to feel about this?

"Uh, yeah... It has been..." Y/N said. They didn't look much older, maybe besides longer/shorter hair, (It's longer or shorter bc idk everyone's pronouns, I know many people use she/her, she/they, he/him, they/he, etc. so yw. Also this next bit applies to trans/nonbinary folks that want surgery!) and it appeared they'd gotten the surgeries to transition... I was so happy for them. (IF THIS IS POOR WORDING, OR NOT PROPER WORDING, OR I SHOULDN'T HAVE MENTIONED IT, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! <3) It was weird, them being almost 23, and looking almost no different. I guess I didn't look much different, either.

"You... Kept the sweatshirt-" I acknowledged, looking at the sweatshirt I'd given them on our first date... (idk if it was a hoodie or sweatshirt, so it's a sweatshirt/jumper for you Europeans LMAO)

"Ah, yeah... Guess I did... I kind of- Forgot it was even yours, I think..." They laughed awkwardly. I couldn't tell if they were being truthful, or lying. I guess it didn't really matter...

"That's fine-" I said. What was I supposed to say? "Uh, what were you just doing?"

"Just kind of getting some stuff... Quick note, if you go to the flower shop, you'll still see Violet working there." Y/N said.

"Is there a reason you've gone there...?" I asked. If it was for a partner, then I'm incredibly happy for them.

"To get Cian flowers for stupid things like, Valentine's day. We aren't- Dating! We're always each other's platonic Valentine," Y/N laughed awkwardly.

"Aw, that's very cute," I smiled, then realized what I had said. "Wait, not cute- I mean, it is!! But I mean like, it-it's sweet!" I panicked. They laughed a bit.

"I knew what you meant, Ranboo. Jesus, you haven't changed... Maybe other than getting taller, and more British." Y/N joked. There's the Y/N I knew and... Loved.

"I haven't grown since 17. I'm still the giant 6'6!" I laughed. At first, things were awkward, but now- Things felt natural, like we'd always been friends for as long as I could remember.

"Oh shit I just realized, I said Ranboo- Do you still prefer being called that, or would you prefer Mark?" Y/N asked.

"Either one works with me now," I responded. They smiled?

"Good to know, Mark. Now... Cian is probably wondering where the hell I went, so I think I need to head out-" Y/N started saying.

"Wait, before you go-" I said. What was I doing!? "I know I have your Discord, but... Could I also have you number, to sort of catch up? I'm more likely to see messages in texts like those. My number changed a while back, so- Uh, totally cool if not!"

"Chill out, Ranboo! No need to be so embarrassed over things!" Y/N laughed a bit. I immediately turned red. Me getting flustered easily hasn't changed much... "Yes, you can have my number to catch up. Did you move back here?" They asked, pulling out their phone.

"Ah, no-" I said, taking out my phone as well. We traded phones for a moment. "Just visiting family for a few weeks."

"Ah, that's neat!" Y/N said, handing me my phone back. I took it, and gave them their phone too. "I'll text you later, we can meetup somewhere and catch up if you'd like?"

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