~Chapter 10~

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~Your POV~

"Please work, please work!..." I said, as Minecraft loaded up. The server should be up now... If it was, then I was going to let Cian, Ranboo, and Flick (I forgot about zem for a while, sorry!! /gen) know so they could join as soon as possible.

I typed the IP in, and immediately saw it was online. I smiled widely, and called for Cian, then went onto Discord. The first person I called was Ranboo.

"Ranboo!" I said once he answered.

"You just left my house, and you're immediately calling me." Ranboo laughed. Cian walked into my room. "What'd you do?"

"Check my DM, and get on Minecraft as soon as possible." I said. He immediately knew, and I heard typing.

I logged into the world and looked around. I was immediately in a plains biome, with some dark oak trees, along with normal oak trees. It was a nice area! Soon, I saw a familiar name.

Ranboo has joined the game.

I smiled widely, and looked behind me at Cian.

"Well? You getting on?" I muted myself on Discord.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Cian said, rushing out of the room. I laughed a bit.

"Ranboo, I'm going to go call the other person on the server. Do whatever you want, and just join a VC in the Discord server if you want to talk to people," I said.

"Will do! Bye for now!" Ranboo I assumed smiled.

"Talk to you soon," I smiled, ending our call. I went to Flick's Discord, and called them.

"Streaming!" Ze warned.

"Alright, thanks for the warning!" I said. "Now, get on Minecraft and check my message, bye!" I left before Flick could respond.

I went to the VC I saw Ranboo and Cian were in. 

"Alright awesome! Now that N/N is here, we can plan some lore!" Cian said. I was beyond confused.

"What lore?" I asked.

"I have no idea, they just said that the moment you joined–" Ranboo said. I heard the familiar Discord noise of someone joining, then saw someone join our Minecraft world.

"Flick!!" I cheered.

"Uh, hi!" Flick said.

"Hello!" I smiled, running to a tree in Minecraft and starting to get some wood.

"Uh, hi to the people I've heard of, but never met–" Flick laughed awkwardly.

"Hi! I'm Cian!" Cian introduced himself.

"I'm Ranboo, as you may know. It's nice to meet you!" Ranboo said.

"Nice to meet you too!" Flick said.

"YO FLICK!" Cian yelled.

"Yeah?" Flick asked.

"Wanna live together, and have N/N and Ranboo share a house in game?" Cian asked. I was so confused.

"Wha– Why do we need to share a house!?" I asked.

"Sure! I'll live with you, as long as you don't make just a block, square, whatever!" Flick yelled.

"Oh, you two aren't going to get along–" I laughed.

"Don't tell me you make just– shoebox houses." Flick said.

"Uhhhhhh–" Cian said.


"YEAHH, I AGREE–" I said.


"WHAT–" I yelled, before being moved to another call–

"You're welcome for getting you out of that call in time–" Ranboo laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, thank you– You missed the last thing Cian said." I rolled my eyes.

"Dear God, what did they say?" Ranboo sighed.

"'Don't flirt too much, lovebirds!'" I repeated. I immediately heard a sigh from Ranboo.

"That's Cian for ya," Ranboo somewhat laughed.

"Yeahh, it is." I laughed a bit.

"Let's just avoid flirting as much as possible so that he won't have something to use against us," Ranboo joked.

"Ha, yes, let's do it," I played along. Silence. "Soooo... How's the subathon going?"

"Good! Still have like... 30 hours left–" Ranboo said.

"Oh God– Have fun!" I said.

"Yeahhh, reallyy–" Ranboo laughed awkwardly.

"Well hey, if you want company again, I can stop by tomorrow or something," I offered.

"Ah, screw it. Sure, come over for the final few hours or something?" Ranboo asked.

"I'll happily join you then," I smiled.

"Alright, awesome!" Ranboo probably smiled.


Sorry, had no motivation to finish this chapter. Still hope it was okay though

uhhh idk what to add, so, welp👏 that'll be the chapter for today! And as always, be sure to take your meds if you have any! I love you! Be sure to eat a full meal, stay hydrated, stay amazing, stay alive, and bye for now!! <3

Your somehow beloved,

699 (nice chain, go) words with A/Ns

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF &quot;WRONG NUMBER&quot; AND &quot;ONLY YOU&quot;)Where stories live. Discover now