~Chapter 6~

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~Your POV~

The moment I woke up, I heard a loud noise– The moment I did, I slowly got out of bed and opened my door, making my way to Cian's office.

"Cian, what are you–" I started saying, before I immediately saw someone.

"Oh, uh, hi Y/N!" Ranboo waved. This motherfucker–

"Hi, uh, where's Cian?" I asked.

"No clue, they said they were going to the bathroom or something?" Ranboo asked.

"Did you knock something over? Because I heard a loud noise a second ago–" I said.

"Nope? May have just been Cian yelling at me," Ranboo laughed a bit.

"Jesus– I'll be back eventually. If you hear yelling– Don't mind it!" I half-joked.

"Honestly, I'm used to hearing yelling around you two~" Ranboo laughed a bit. I smiled, then left the room. I walked out and immediately saw Cian.

"Oh shi– Uhhh, hi Y/N!" Cian laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. I crossed my arms.

"You're a prick." I said, not seriously meaning it.

"I didn't do anything!" Cian lied.

"Jesus, you're a shit liar," I laughed a bit.

"Am not!" Cian said.

"Are so!" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, sorry for inviting him over while you slept– But you should see the look on your face!" Cian laughed.

"Would've been a little nice to have at least a warning to not look like such trash." I commented.

"Oh come on, this isn't the worst he's seen of you! Hell, you two lived together for... How long?" Cian asked. I glared.

"Let's not bring that up." I said. Cian sighed.

"Alright, sorry. I'll make it up to you, alright?" Cian said. I sighed.

"Sure, if that's really what you want to do," I laughed a bit.

"Bet. Let's start that by... Letting you hang out with me and Ranboo!" Cian smiled.

"That's your hangout with him, I've already–" I started saying.

"Man, this motherfucker is awkward as hell. I'd rather have two awkward people to balance it out!" Cian said.

"I CAN HEAR YOU!" I heard Ranboo yell from Cian's office. I laughed a bit.

"Thank you for that... Insult." I laughed.

"Of course! Now go get ready. I'll make sure to warn you next time he's over," Cian said.

"Good, you better!" I said, now heading up to my room.

I sighed once I closed the door. It was annoying that Cian hadn't told me Ranboo was over so early, but I can't really do anything about it. I looked over and finally just got ready.


"Hey again Y/N!" Ranboo smiled as I walked to the living room.

"Jesus, you guys like changing where you are," I laughed a bit. (bruh I'm so sad, I'm trying to listen to Divorce Kat and CG5 but my earbuds have decided to basically break and only work at a certain angle, and even then I can either barely hear the lyrics or the background music😭 I want death bro)

"Cian wanted me to see something in their office, and now they wanted to watch something but needed to grab their phone," Ranboo said. "Wanna join us?"

"Ah no, I don't want to barge into this–" I laughed awkwardly.

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF "WRONG NUMBER" AND "ONLY YOU")Where stories live. Discover now