~Chapter 5~

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~Your POV~

Oh boy... Moment of truth.

I clicked on the "message" button on Twitter for that Flick__Twitch person. I was really hoping they'd accept this...

Cian managed to convince me to ask if they'd want to join the SMP I was creating. I was a socially awkward person, so I didn't know how this would go. I was hoping it'd go well– Flick seemed chill.

I'd watched a few of zeir streams, and some clips of zem. They seemed really funny, and like a person I'd want to be friends with. They followed me on Twitter, and I'd recently followed them back, so I could thankfully message them...

I sighed as I tried to write the message. Anytime I sent something, it seemed awkward, or weird... Maybe I could try messaging zem I'm Discord. Wait, I didn't have their Discord– Wait maybe that's how I could talk to them!

I quickly typed a message that just read "hey! random, but is there a chance I could get your discord? i want to talk to you about something's on there if that's okay?"

Please, why was this so awkward– I wanted to unsend the message, but I soon realized that I couldn't delete messages on Twitter. Ze would see. Ohhh boy–

I sighed and just stood up from my desk, and walked around. I looked at some jewelry I had, and saw the Beloved necklace. Why does this one specifically always catch my eye...? I sighed and picked it up, and looked at it. Yeah, chain was still very broken. Would it be possible to fix?

I looked up some things, and tried them with very little luck... I didn't have the tools to fix it, and anytime I had tried to tie it together to fix it, it just immediately fell apart again. I sighed. I wanted to cry. Why did I have to break it!? This was the last thing Ranboo gave to me before we broke up... One of the last happy memories we had together... (Knee Deep at ATP is not helping this right now😭 IDK WHY ITS MAKING ME SAD BRO)

I sighed in annoyance, and just tossed it onto my desk. I hadn't even noticed that an hour had passed already, just from me trying to fix a damn necklace. The moment I saw that, I opened my Twitter tab. It had been so long to where the tab had to be reloaded, but the moment it reloaded, I saw... I had a message. It was Flick!

Ze gave me their Discord!

I smiled happily, and immediately opened my Discord Window. I had a few messages from people, but ignored them for the time being. I went to add friend, and immediately pasted their user to it. Now we wait for it to be accepted–

Within minutes, my friend request was accepted. Hell yeah! I went to our messages. Now to think of what to send them–


hi!! hru?

I'm good!! how are you?

i'm great bro!

now, is there a reason u wanted my discord?

I just wanted to ask you something!

so, as you may know, I'm starting my own SMP

no fucking way- is this going where i think it's going?

idk, is it? lol

i swear-

I wanted to know if you'd want to be part of the SMP?

totally cool if not!

bro if it's fine, i would love to be part of it!

has it been started yet?

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF "WRONG NUMBER" AND "ONLY YOU")Where stories live. Discover now