~Chapter 4~

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credit to Bofsuuand  , Friend__blue and another person (can't remember their Wattpad user!) for helping me make the new character I'm including in this! If anyone else helped, lmk and I'll credit you!!

lol I only have one draft written after this, let's hope that I can finish another one soon– if not, then no post for a bit lol


~Your POV~

"HEH?" Cian said, after I brought up the idea to him. I sighed.

"Jesus, you've talked to Techno too much–" I laughed a bit.

"Yes, because he's clearly a better friend than you. But what!?" Cian asked.

"I want to start up my own Minecraft SMP!" I said, sitting down on the couch beside them.

"I love the idea, but who would join? Everyone that was on the Dream SMP has either quit streaming, or is doing their own thing and isn't focusing on this kind of stuff..." Cian sighed at the thought of the Dream SMP.

"It can always just... Be a small SMP, like how the Dream SMP started. Wasn't it originally a server for like, the Dream Team? So I could start one for me and you, maybe invite a couple other smaller streamers too?" I shrugged. Cian thought for a moment.

"Ah fuck it, make a Tweet and see who'd want to join." Cian smiled. I immediately pulled out my phone, and started typing a tweet.

'Hey! I'm thinking about starting an SMP in Minecraft! Anyone know of any smaller streamers I could have join? :D' Let's hope no one suggests big people, or anything...

"So, what will it be called?" Cian asked.

"No clue. Could just let Chat decide? Like they've done with the Benchtrio, or Clingyduo." I shrugged. Cian frowned at the mention of the trio and duo.

"Yeah, you definitely could!" Cian said, now standing up. "I think I'm going to head up to my room and do some work for a while. You good planning some stuff on your own for now?"

"Yeah! I'll figure it out, and I'll ask some people if they'd like to join, too!" I smiled, now also standing up.

"Sounds like a plan! I'll talk to you later?" Cian asked.

"Yep!" I smiled.

I headed up to my room, and soon started up my computer. It took a bit, but soon everything had started up. I went onto Twitter, and saw many people had responded to my Tweet. I smiled and scrolled through.

I saw a lot of Dream, Sapnap, Bad, George, Cian, Tommy, Tubbo, and... Ranboo. I sighed almost anytime I'd see Ranboo's name. Our hangout was... Awkward. I didn't know how well it had went. I continued scrolling through, and saw one user was repeating a lot...


Hm, an interesting name... A lot of people were suggesting their name. I found their Instagram.

Their pronouns are they/them/ze/zem/zeir. Huh, cool! (Hey! I just want to say now; I'm still learning a bit about neopronouns!! So if I happen to misuse them, or use the wrong ones, please let me know!! I don't want to offend anyone, and just want to educate myself on this and try to include them in a story of mine, too! :D) Flick had pretty dark skin, with white spots all over. I think it was called... Vitiligo? Zem looked pretty cool! They only ever wore a mask in their posts. So... Faceless streamer? They had half black, half green hair. It was somewhat long, but also very short if that makes sense. They seemed to love frogs, and even had a frog themselves! That's neat!

Endless Love | Ranboo x Reader (BOOK #3 OF "WRONG NUMBER" AND "ONLY YOU")Where stories live. Discover now