Sleepless Winds

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Hi hi :)
The picture is a sloth giving you it's heart. I find it cute so ta-da

I'm hearing things. I know I am no one has ever said that to me. They wouldn't that's not actually them. Oh, but it could be. I could secretly be hated and some of it is true. I don't know what to do. All I know now is that I'm falling and being snapped back into reality over and over. I'm dying I must be. There's no other explanation to why this is happening. The scariest part is that I would have been okay with dying in those moments.

...that was how I was feeling around four in the morning one night trying to fall asleep. Luckily that's only happened once, but it was pretty awful. Obviously I wasn't dying since I'm here now, but if someone told me I was I'd believe them. Either I was dying or going crazy. Both being pretty possible honestly...

I don't know why I even typed that. Guess I just wanted to put it out there immortalized on the Internet for people to see. I'm going to type some other stuff so it's longer and yeah...

I stared out my window. Watching the wind blow the trees from their usual positions. They moved violently. Some looked as though they were going to be released from the ground. The roots of the tree trying desperately to keep it in place all in vain. It wouldn't matter soon. Soon everything would be gone and I along with it. I messed up. I should have listened to them. They told me this would happen, but I didn't pay attention because I didn't want it to be true. I knew I had power, but not this much. At the time I thought that it would just be a little thunderstorm, but I was sooooo wrong. It started as a storm, but soon after spread. Dark clouds covering the sunlight and fear with it. Weather channels couldn't explain what was happening and I wasn't about to tell everyone I had killed us all. The knock on the door that I was expecting came. I didn't move from my stop looking out my window knowing they'd let themselves in. And they did with a blast of wind coming into the house from the door, but it was soon gone once the door was shut. I was afraid and at the same time curious to know how this would be fixed. They could kill me I guess, but that's more unpredictable than if they told me how to stop this thing. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and my door being creaked open. I didn't turn knowing exactly who was there I just listened.
"You made a mistake not listening as you know. So you get what you want our attention. You hear? You have the attention of powerful deities. So you can either stop this by commanding it to stop, but seeing as you're watching waiting for your fate you've already lost control of what you were doing. So now I can only say you must give yourself up to this storm. You know where the center is so go there and surrender. Or we shall all watch the precious human life disappear."
With that they left and I laughed. I had a choice and I suppose that my life is a small price to pay for the survival of millions. I was the one who brought this and I'm going to die anyway so I'll let the storm do a bit more damage. I've never had much attention so I will watch this tree hanging onto the ground as though staying rooted was it's only way of living which I guess it was. Except I wanted to see it. To see the tree be uprooted and to bow to the strong winds of the storm I had created in a fit of anger. Simply wanting to be noticed by more than a few. So I decided there would be no harm in telling people once I've done since when I'm dead they won't be able to kill me. I smiled and turned on my transmitter for a worldwide broadcast sure some wouldn't understand it, but those who did would know.
"Well hello. I bet you're wondering what is going on well I am hear to tell you. I started this storm and let it get out of control with the chance of all our deaths hanging in the balance of what I do next which is stop're welcome in advance. Well actually you're soared since I'm not going to let this go on for much longer. Anyway just wanted you to know a hurt and lonely person with power did this and that people should generally pay more attention to what could lurk beneath the surfaces of quiet lonely people."
With that I smiled and ended my transmission. I was successful and people must've heard me and all of what I did. So I watched as the roots finally submitted to the power of the wind in the storm and came out of the ground. I walked out of the house into the harsh winds calmly. Smiling. Happy. I got what I wanted and I'm going to stop what I did. Fix my little screw up with my life. So I walked to the same patch of grass I stood on to call the storm and took a deep breath. Calling the storm back. And like a monster turns it's head when someone yells to divert their attention. It's winds turned hitting me from all sides. Holding me in place. The dark clouds pulling together turning the sky around me black. The deadly black. I knew I unleashes a beast, but wow I was good. And I was content. I smile on my face as the storm concentrated even more and hit me. Winds and rain and hail all coming at me. I was gone. Completely destroyed. There wasn't a single piece of me left. The only thing you could see is the spot where I was standing. It looked as though lightning struck that spot. I am not physically on earth, but I am the lightning in the sky. I am the wind as a storm picks up. I became every storm. I became stuck in this never ending cycle of water. I am the ocean I am the sea. I cover all the world. I am everywhere and nowhere all at once.

That was kinda weird, but then again...when am I not weird?
YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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