Worst Time Of Every Year.

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Hi hi. Inspiration (aka Internet assistance) has given me a new idea that I will change simply because this is me writing and ya know stealing is bad. I'd rather not go to jail so I completely changed the prompt I found online. Anyway here we go...

You are in the gravest of danger. Leave now. Speak to no one, but most of all do not trust anyone. They lie you must seek the truth.

That's the note I found in my pocket. Thing is I didn't go outside today or yesterday or the day before yesterday. Okay so I haven't been out of my house for a couple weeks. So what? I'm allowed to do it. I am having a tough time. No I won't elaborate on why it's so tough of a time just roll with it. I always check my pockets though and this wasn't in it. I never put paper in my right jacket pocket. Never. Meaning someone must've done it for me, but I don't live with anyone. It's gotta be a joke, right? Wrong. I know it. Like the feeling when something is horribly wrong. That's what it is. So I just need to figure out whee to go. Talk to no one. That'll be difficult I quite like talking hmm. What truth is there to seek even. Maybe if I flip it over...sure enough there was writing on the back as well. Just a name though.
Avner Flint
Haha that sounded made up, but if my life was in danger meh I'll wing it so I googled that name because, why not?
Assassins. That's why not. Well not the best assassins since they missed me, but who am I to complain I'm still alive...for the moment. I looked at results of the search and found he was dead and had been that way for six years. Crap that was the only bet I had. Except it was looking more of murder and less of an accident since I just got shot at and the newspaper articles containing things about his death didn't make it seem like a simple crash there were even people's speculation on what happened because he wouldn't have been where he was. Even the police were stumped and had been for years now. Speaking of getting shot at I think now is a good time to run since a bullet went right in front of my face. Pretty scary. So I ran. Sprinted actually. For a while until I got to my car got in and zoomed off. Slouching in my seat and hoping I wouldn't just be killed. I realized my phone had a tracker so I pulled into some back alleys I knew well from previous long walks before....never mind stop thinking about it so I chucked the phone out the window and headed onto a main road getting some strange look from other people. Guess it would be weird seeing some car with bullet holes in it. Oh well at least I was going speed limit and seemingly lost my assassin. Luckily I'm good at remembering information and typed the address I'd seen online of a person with an idea of what happened. Except this'll be difficult. I can't speak to them or trust them. Guess I'll have to just go to the cemetery in the town they buried the guy in. I wonder if I'll have to do some grave digging. New plan. Forget the address go to the town of Bryton. Sounds like an odd name I just hope I'll live through this. Maybe I'll solve a murder haha that'd be a story to tell. So I drove until I saw car dealership that promised they would "take any car with any damage and exchange it for a new used one." Sounds alright to me so I roll up to there and someone came right out to greet me shook my hand and asked my name I simply shook my head. They shrugged walked around the car and told me they couldn't take it and I simply smiled and pointed to the sign they put up. The poor guy looked defeated sighed and took me to see a car of equal value to mine, well as equal to a shot at car as you can get. I looked around it nodded and he gave me the keys and I was on my way. I drove for the next few hours towards Bryton. Went to an ATM where I withdrew the limit of cash it would give me, stopped at a giant mall, went into a Halloween store and bought a ton of different colors of hair dye. I knew which ones to get (don't ask it was a confusing year of my life.) After that I walked around to some other stores, got a backpack and a lighter, then stopping at a hot topic, gave myself a budget of a hundred dollars, and bought myself clearance things and okay maybe I caved and and went a little over a hundred to get a My Chemical Romance shirt because memories and feelings were just too much. So I got back in my car and drove another hour or so before stopping at a motel handing then seventy dollars in cash and getting a key to a room. No need to check out I just had to be out by noon. I got in, changed into my new clothes and dyed my hair blonde satisfied by how I looked I sat down. Knowing I wasn't going to go to sleep I looked in the drawers to look for something to write on. All I found was a bible and old socks. So being the worst person ever I decided that I would just take the blank pages out and write on those. I got four pages in all and I filled them up recounting everything that happened and then wrote my plan. I pocketed those four papers and felt sad realizing I had to burn my jacket as well. Luckily I got another one so all way okayish. I moved everything in the pockets looking at old papers. I still had that note...from the day of...forget it. There's no need to remember those things. And with that I left. Out the window down to my car. I got in and started driving again only another hour and I'd be in the town of Bryton. The more I think about it that name sounds vaguely familiar I just can't remember why. I was now ten minutes away and then five. Then it hit me. Where I knew it from. That's the place it all happened, the thing I keep blocking out because of the pain it causes me. So all I gotta do is not freak when I get there. And then I was there. The gates of the cemetery were closed, but I parked and got out of my car only to hop the fence after checking and seeing no people around. This place was a ghost town. I searched for the headstone of Avner and found it pretty quickly. Reading it I felt like crying with realization:
Avner Flint aka Haiden Winsted
Waits for all the ships that never sailed during his life
June 12, 1994-October 31, 2009

It just so happened to be Halloween today. Joy. Okay my pain was from this guy right here. Obviously I didn't go to the funeral. The ship thing was a joke we had about people not getting together in a relationship. Yes we wanted some couples to happen and this was what he said he wanted on his gravestone when he died simply because it was our joke. And I found the ability to laugh just because he did it. Actually put that on there.
"I'm glad you find it funny I do too,"
I jumped hearing his voice. Ya know the probably murdered generally don't speak so I turned slowly only to see Haiden standing there. Like just to be sure. I poked him to see if he was solid and he was. So I pulled the note I got earlier out of my pocket and gave him a questioning look. He answered me.
"Yeah I wrote that. I saw you didn't come to the funeral and I never told you my real name. I got the idea from the Mayday Parade video for Oh Well, Oh Well. Pretty cool huh."
He said and I nodded kinda shocked and I didn't exactly want to talk because of course I wasn't supposed to, directions are things I follow pretty well.
"You can talk now if you want because the shooter I got was just to get you moving and motivated to get here since otherwise I knew you probably wouldn't"
"Why? Everything. You faked your death. Or murder. Screwing up this time of year for me every year because I couldn't get you out of my head."
"I'm sorry I just hated living and didn't want to really die so this was the way I did it. I saw people there, but all I wanted was you there so I waited wondering if you'd ever come. And you didn't so I took the fight to you and this is what happened all because I really missed you and before this I had watched you live life after me. I ached to hug you, but I couldn't this stunt was why I needed. So now I could stand seeing you hurt over this so now was the time."
I thought this over and just said okay.
He asked seeming confused so I clarified
"I get it and I'm okay with it kinda because I still have to get over you not being dead, but yeah"
He grinned and then just grabbed my hand
"I'll show you where I've been living I think you'll love it"
And with that he lead me into the woods after about twenty minutes of speed walking he stopped and pointed up so I looked up. A tree house.
"I remember how you said you liked tree houses and when I joked that we would watch all our ships sail into the sunset of happy fantasy so I live in a tree house and now so do you."
He said with a smile quickly adding
"Uh if you want to I mean you have a life and a family and probably a significant other..."
He trailed off and I just laughed.
"I don't like the way I've been living, there's not much family left and they don't talk to me anyway so that's gunna be okay, and no one has put up with me like you have so no significant other. No other at all. Except once I had a cat that I named Winsted after your last name. By the way your real name sounds more fake then your fake one."
He laughed and nodded
"Always hated my given name so I changed it to something completely different that I liked so I'm that person you know now get up the tree please"
I simply smiled and climbed up to the tree house. I went in, looked around in awe at every detail, and then watched as he climbed up after me.
"You like it?"
"I love it"
I answered and there we stayed. Forever...

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