Hi, are you death?

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Hi. Such a simple word. It could take a lot of courage to say or it could be easy to say like to a friend or if you're texting. Once you say it though so many doors are open like keys in locks. Say hi to someone in the wrong way there could be a problem. At the same time it could get you friends. I think holding doors for people is normal and to say please and thank you, but that seems to be getting lost and it's kinda sad. I don't mean to make you sad if it did I'm simply saying what I think. Like what if I said hi to the wrong person who ends up being my downfall. There's always the possibility of getting hurt no matter who or where you are. Even if it's small it's there. But oh well that's not exactly what happened to a different me. One with a more adventurous and crazy life not the same day to day boring routine I'm trapped in now. The one that said hi to death. Yeah death, a nice lady actually very happy. Continually getting new friends to be with her like an ever growing circle of friends and she could be everywhere at one because death is everywhere just as life is. You can't have life without death or death without life so it works out nicely. The two opposing sides of life and death are simply not true. They should totally be friends because you can't have one without the other it's nature. What if the different me met death and because her friend without ever being dead? Now it's just I because the Internet is everywhere here in a different world in the future it's how you stumbled upon and are able to read the words of a twisted stranger. No I have really met a lovely lady named death. She is a wonderful person who just wants the best for everyone. I met her out one night walking alone in afraid because I know I could handle whatever came my way, but maybe I was wrong. Seeing a beautiful person out in the woods around 3 am made me curious. Was she crazy? I of course being curious said hi. She said hi back so I asked what she was doing out here on a night like this. Her reply was me. Which kinda threw me off guard because I had never been here before and people usually don't wait outside early in the morning for a stranger. So I asked who she was and she said Death which worried me, but she said she wouldn't kill me and for some reason I believed her maybe because I wanted that to be true or maybe because I was captured like a fly in a spider web by her appearance. So I asked how she was so pretty and her reply made me thing. She said it was because that is the way I wanted death to look. And maybe I did death is usually a guy so maybe a pretty lady was what I wanted one waiting for me. No one really waited for me and these early morning walks were ones I took when I was feeling lonely and just wanted something to do. And she seemed to be just what I needed. I guess I had been thinking for a while because her voice interrupted me thoughts asking if I wanted to talk. My answer was yes being a curious person I wanted to know more and said so. To which the gorgeous death said she would answer whatever I asked. My first question was if she had to go anytime soon which to my delight was a no. So I asked how she saw herself and she was quiet for a moment then said she didn't she took no form because she was whatever anyone wanted her to be. So I asked if she was death because I wanted her to be and she told me she was both. She was what everyone needed at one point or another. The thought in someone's head to stop, the fear that holds someone back, the burst of courage, and for me a beautiful stranger to talk to. So maybe I needed death since she was here. Or did I need someone to talk to, but couldn't because I was constantly going new places and off doing random things. So I asked if she liked doing what she does. And she said yes and that she loved influencing things, people, and events. It was her job and what kept her going. So I asked her if she liked a certain form people gave her and she just laughed and told me if she had to pick it would hurt people. She changes for everyone. So I asked if she was everything and she simply smiled and told me to tell her if she was. Then she stood up and started walking away. I called after her, but she kept going. So I chased after her asking why she was leaving because she didn't have to go anywhere and she told me it was what I wanted and all I knew. In and out. No attachment. It's been a year since then and every night I wait in the exact stop she was in for me. Hoping she'd be back, but deep down I knew she was gone. That didn't stop me though. So I figured if she wasn't coming back maybe I could be there for someone who needed it even if I was one person I could be an important person. And an exact year since that meeting leaning against the tree death was on I got it. A quiet hi. I said hi back looking right at a curious person. Who surprised me by saying death sent her. And all I could do was grin. So I told them to sit. We exchanged names and ended up finding out death set us up. Waited for two adventurous people ready for something more stable and found what we both wanted. Someone to be with. Until death do us part, but she wouldn't. She didn't part us instead we've been roaming earth and other galaxies hitching rides from strangers because we had enough courage to say hi. Forever wandering. Forever together. Death knew we were afraid of dying so she let us free of that restraint. A million years later though...things fell apart not that I wants it to I tried everything to save it, but they didn't and it's horrible. Like a million years were for nothing. We parted and I'm alone again still free of dying. The worst part is I want that I want the mortality. I want this to be over. Where is the lovely lady death when I need her. Off helping others probably I only hope she hadn't forgotten me a lonely now shattered undying person. Who half regrets saying hi. So I'll try. Throwing myself from the tallest things in all the galaxies, setting myself on fire, doing crazy things and always end up alive. So I went back to the tree and there was death waiting for me again. She smiled and then told me she was sorry for lying. She was going to kill me, but this time it was what I wanted. It was what I got and now I'm dead. Happily talking to death whenever she thinks I'm lonely or thinking too much. Like my own distraction from myself a beautiful one. And then she told me she lied again. She likes the form she's in with me the best and asked me to be the life to her death. And I said yes. I am in a way her counterpart the one that has you take risks the one who gets you to think screw it and sleep or say hi. I like to think I help for the most part. That's for you to decide. Is death really mine or is it just because I want it to be that way and she's granting me wishes even now or did this even happen? Believe what you will for only you know your own truth...

I hope you liked it so what you think the truth is and did you mind me not using "s? I wrote this first on my other thingy I write called No Clue so if you wanna look at that the cover looks like the picture thing I have at the beginning of this so have a good time whatever time it is where you are.

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