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Hi hi. Another story thing from my twisted mind...enjoy :)

Heavy breaths. Trying to get the air back into my lungs. Running...have I been running? Yes oh I have from the lie of everyone else's version of the truth. Well I'm here to put everything about that right. The thing is I didn't kill him...that said you much be wondering what happened. Well let's start from the beginning. New kids of course will always being coming to school. They will be talk about and to, some differently then others of course everyone is different. I never cared for the craziness new kids at school brought with them. I only interact if I have to because it's generally nice to talk to the person sitting next to you I mean otherwise for guilty for not interacting or well at least trying to. I count trying as opening my mouth to say something and closing it if I don't actually say something because well I'll probably mess up the whole conversation so why even start? Luckily this new kid the one I didn't kill well he said hi. So since I was talked to and wasn't going to ignore him I said hi back and we introduced ourselves. After that he asked if I knew where his next class was. Being myself I have the navigational sense of a rock and apologized and told him no. I was his schedule though and found we only had this class together science. So class ended and time passed. We seemed to be friends, but I wouldn't count on it...more of someone I kinda know. Then we got a project in science the fair. Science fair the only thing I most despise. I only liked one science fair I did with one of my friends, but...that was a while ago. All others sucked. So he asked if we could be partners so I said yes because he seemed to be on top if things with homework done, lots of friends, and even a girlfriend. Not that that's entirely important it's just hard to find someone who cares that way not that I'm complaining, but if you can do that props to you. Am I lonely? Yeah I guess you could say that. I feel it most when I'm with other people and I say the same thing over and over not really being heard. You just feel kinda empty and lost and just well yeah lonely. So back to the horrid science fair. Our experiment went well and I basically did everything. We had exchanged numbers so after texting him like 20 times I gave up pretty much not caring. He could fail so when he called I was pretty annoyed. I was so tempted to reject the phone call, but I didn't and answered with a what? I was met with sobs and apologies and then the word break and more sobs. I guess something happened with he and his girlfriend. Then he said he was coming over and just hung up so I wait. And waited. And waited. And waited some more until he texted:
Meet me at the park by your house
I thought why not glanced at the clock it was 2:19 in the morning and slipped out the door and went to the park finding him on the bench. I sat down with a hi. He said hi back sounding so tired and drained. His next sentence shocked me. He said he was dying or something along those lines. So you see I didn't kill him. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. I just...helped put him out of his obvious pain and misery. Haha I mean that doesn't count as killing. Everyone says I did though, but their wrong and liars I didn't. Really I helped.

Yay death anyways
YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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