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Hi hi :)

I took a seat and waited. Staring out the window listening for the bing of a new text. It hasn't come yet I keep checking though hoping it will magically appear. It doesn't. Seconds tick by and they turn into minutes then minutes to hours. Hours into days. Days I spent drifting in and out of sleep constantly checking fooling myself into thinking I heard the sound of a new message. It was exactly 5 weeks before I got a reply I thought I was delusional, but it was there. One simple word...leave. It killed me what I had waited so long for. I just wanted a hi or something, but that's not what I got. I don't understand I always texted first and made they effort and I wasn't given a second thought. Just one word to leave. Did I even want to leave? Where would I even go? The void of nothingness that could be death? Someone I had given my all too and even my heart left me. So I decided in that moment I would leave. The person they knew no longer existed. They left so I texted back. I left say hello to a new person. With that I smirked getting up and moving with a new confidence. A new feeling because I was no longer a scared dependent obedient person. No no I was a force to be reckoned with. And the first thing to go was this stupid place. I walked right out of the door and surprisingly felt my phone buzz. Not bothering to check the message I hurled it right against the pavement grinning like a maniac when I saw the glass shards scatter across the ground. So I walked. It took two hours to get to the home of a once special someone. Not wanting to barge in I knocked the door was opened to reveal them and all my passive frustration was let out in a very physical way. I punched them. In the face. Really really hard. So hard I heard a crunch. It left me smiling before I walked away like I did nothing wrong maybe the lack of sleep was getting to me, but at that point I simply didn't care. Jail? Sure I could end up there, but oh it was sooooo worth it. I kept walking dwelling on my thoughts half expecting the police sirens, but they never came so I kept walking. Sticking to the road until it disappeared into earth. I was done waiting and my only thought was to leave so I kept walking and walking until I reached water. By then I looked nothing like who I was when I left. I looked almost ghostly scary even, but that was okay. I wasn't who I was when I left so why should I look the same? I smiled for once. It wasn't a sick smile just a happy one...

My brain is weird and stuff happens so yeah...
YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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