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Hints. Things that get dropped like pennies on sidewalks that people don't care to pick up or don't even realize they get dropped. Like wanting to jump in front of a car instead of throwing an annoying person into it. It gets shrugged off. And then ignored. A phrase meant jokingly that turns into an I could and it wouldn't even matter to you leaving someone confused. Death on minds is becoming more common. It increases. Aging doesn't help makes you wonder if you'll make it another year, day, week, month...it's scary actually. Feeling yourself give up and letting your mind go dark. Feeling and showing more darkness and pain changing as time progresses. Life is a waste of time. Filled with useless things like sleep and emotions. Leaving people broken and dead and hurt or happy and peaceful. Changing everyone is life and death an endless war, but ultimately death wins and claims those who seem to be winning. Trust is everything is temporary except death unless there is reincarnation, but then you won't remember anything. So death really is the end. Why not just skip the in between? Because people care and it would impact their life which is never good. Pain of the living can't be felt by the dead leaving the living to fend for themselves seems to me inconsiderate, but then again you can't feel anything so there's no remorse in a way. That's the choice hurt the living and risk afterlife or keep living until death claims you...

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