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Hi hi. Yay fear. I'll tell you about some of my fears. Not that you'd care, but this is where I put most of my ramblings and weirdness. So yeah anyway let's go...

Right. Firstly some bugs. Yeah I know they're so little and they're more afraid of you them you are of them, but oh well. I still don't like them at all little things, but that's nature so I guess it's not horrible because I think they're meant to be there for a reason I don't know though go bother science or your brain if you know why they are here. Another fear of mine is just the unknown. When reading or watching or doing anything I'm always a bit afraid. Like what if it messes my head up or if it breaks my heart or if it makes me happy or ache or maybe it's nothing. That's a nothing thing I kinda fear just nothingness. It's a love hate relationship we have. I want nothingness so badly, but I'm also scared of it because nothing about it is knows (duh) and it's just weird. I also fear people being hurt because I want to help them...except I really suck at helping. Don't ask me for help I'll probably just screw whatever you're doing up even more. I'm also kinda afraid of people. Sure weird, but not like I don't like socializing I just hate how unpredictable everyone is because you don't know what they'll say or how they'll act or how they end up affecting you. I also fear myself. I don't know who I am or what defines me or how I should feel or if I should give myself a label or who I even am the difference between who I am and what act I put up because that wall is breaking and I think some other people I know are having a similar problem with the same(ish) thing. Just a wild guess, but yeah. So there. Does any of this apply to you? Or I'm alone that's cool too...

Ummmmm hey hey hey (hay is for horses haha anyway...)
YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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