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Hi hi. Yeah weird thing to call it I know. That's the thing I randomly get ideas so I think about why it's basically about and then bam. Anyway I wanted to tell you the pros and cons of them. One con in particular though, but we'll get there. Here goes nothing...

Someone is there for you
Someone to talk to
Hugs (usually depending on the person it doesn't always happen)
Liking some of the same things
Having fun stupid arguments like about the existence of the Tooth Fairy (real if you were wondering if not oh well you know now you should...there's a movie called Rise of the Guardians she's in it)
Not being alone

Someone to worry about you
Maybe making someone miss you
Feeling like you abandoned someone if you don't show up to something
You can't tell feelings while texting
And what I wanted to get at...the domino effect:
Allow me I explain. It was the moment in time I realized that if I went away people would fall one by one in one way or another. And I kinda despise I made all these friends and have these people that care when I just don't wanna be here anymore. The only reason I'm here is because they care and want me with them...and I feel like I can't die obviously because it'd hurt people and it just annoys me that I don't think I'll ever stop caring that people care. They care so here I am because I don't have the heart to destroy them on even the slightest. I don't want to hurt people, but I don't wanna hurt myself. Sure maybe I'm selfish maybe I should want to keep going, but years of this feeling without it getting better just sucks. So there. I think I'm done with that...

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