That Night

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Atsumu was exhausted.

He had sprayed himself sick with pheromone-masking perfume, rose-scented. He had been working his muscles all day to keep himself from emitting pheromones. He had taken suppressants which always made him a bit groggy. He was feeling nauseous with all the different smells permeating the room. Alphas, Betas, all of it.


But he would push through.

Osamu wanted to go and he wanted to go so they goed.


He was a bit tipsy from the beer.

Atsumu hung back in the crowd, only greeting a few of his classmates. He leaned against the wall and watched his twin flirt and dance.

Things he used to do.

Before he got his results.

Before he had his first heat.

Before people started lingering to smell him. And stare at him with dark longing eyes.

"Miya Atsumu."

Atsumu looked up and froze.

It was a new smell.

Fresh and cool, slicing through the thick pheromones like a knife through butter.

Jasmine and orange.

Sakusa Kiyoomi.

He had gotten taller.


His dark curls fell over his eyes, hiding the colon-like moles over his forehead. His sharp nose was hidden by a mask.

A mask.

Atsumu should've worn a mask.

But then he wouldn't get to intake that delectable scent pouring out of—

"Omi?" Atsumu asked with a weak grin. "No way... look at ya!" Atsumu looked him up and down. "Bulked up a lot huh?"

Sakusa deadpanned and Atsumu laughed nervously.

"Still as quiet as ever," he murmured. "So, ya must be an Alpha huh?"

Dumbass. Never ever bring up secondary gender for small talk.

"Yes." Sakusa looked down at him. "Does that bother you?"

Atsumu wanted to scream fuck no because his instincts were yelling at him to jump on him.

But he wasn't going to let anyone find out what he was.

"No. No bother," Atsumu answered. Sakusa stared at him. He leaned down and Atsumu tensed. Sakusa parted his lips and inhaled softly. Atsumu panicked. Would he smell him? Would he figure it out? Alphas were always his biggest concern when he walked around. They were more discerning. If Sakusa found out... then what?

"Roses," he murmured.

Atsumu breathed out a sigh of relief.

"And... rainwater."

All the color drained from Atsumu's face.

"Rainwater? Whatcha talking about Omi, rainwater don' have a smell," Atsumu teased, voice nearly wavering.

Sakusa blinked, then stood straight again.

"Wanna get a drink?" Atsumu asked.

"Why aren't you dancing?" Sakusa murmured. Atsumu furrowed his brow.


"You always dance at these things. Talk to a bunch of people and get drunk," Sakusa explained. Atsumu inhaled sharply.

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