Misunderstood Biology

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Atsumu didn't expect to find Hinata, of all people, falling apart in the closet.

He and Hinata were supposed to clean up once the clock stroke five but the orange-haired ball of energy had disappeared nearly an hour before. On top of that, he had seemed quieter the entire day. Downcast eyes and fidgeting hands. He wasn't gleaming with delight.

So Atsumu knew something was wrong.

He just didn't know what.

When he pushed open the larger closet doors to make sure there was space for the net he nearly had a heart attack after he spotted Shoyo, sitting by himself curled up in the corner. Which was quite a feat, considering he was no longer a scrawny school boy and now had thick muscles everywhere.

"Jesus—fuck, Sho!" Atsumu gasped, grabbing his chest to calm his racing heart. "Why are ya just...lurking?" He ask hesitantly. The sour smell of garbage soaked the room and his stomach turned nauseous. "Sho?"

Hinata trembled as he looked up.

His eyes were red and wet. His cheeks were stained with tears. His shirt was damp. His lashes were clumped.

His mouth seemed stuck in a terrible frown, jaw clenched and lip quivering.

"Shoyo?" Atsumu hurried over, dropping to his knees and quickly releasing a sweet scent.


Hinata's tremors lessened and his tears stopped falling, but he hugged himself tightly and didn't speak for many minutes.

"Shoyo," Atsumu murmured, cupping his jaw and tilting his head up so their eyes would meet. "What's goin' on? Is yer heat about ta start?"

Tears welled up.

"Do ya need me to call Kageyama?"

Tears rolled down.

"You need to get home, so he can take care o'ya."

Tears didn't stop.

Hinata cried, his voice finally coming out while he gripped Atsumu's shirt.

Unsure of what else to do, he wrapped his arms around Hinata and tried to mask the distressed scent with mango. He bit down on his lip when he felt Hinata shake, and his own eyes grew wet while his chest twisted painfully.

Hinata was...so upset. They were lucky Bokuto and Meian had already left.

Atsumu rubbed his back with a soothing hand. He didn't know how else to help. There was nothing else he could do—

He froze when Hinata pressed his nose into the bend of his elbow. He stopped trembling, taking soft breaths with his eye squeezed shut.

Of course.

Atsumu nearly face-palmed. Scenting.

"Sho," he murmured, rubbing Hinata's neck gently. "C'mere." Atsumu lifted his reddened face and showed off his swollen eyes. He offered Hinata a small smile before leaning down and allowing him to bury his face in his neck. "Ya wanna tell me what happened?" Hinata whimpered, his grip tightening. "Did the two of ya fight?"

His eyes shifted to the faint scarring on the back of his neck.

It seemed normal.

"Talk to me, Shoyo." Atsumu pulled him away gently, just enough for their eyes to meet. Hinata rubbed his face with his hands, sniffling and chewing his lip.

"He wants one," he mumbled. Atsumu furrowed his brow.

"Who wants what?"

Hinata swallowed.

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