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Sakusa was acting strange.

He had become... touchy.

Extremely touchy.

Atsumu was standing by the kitchen counter, his legs a bit numb from sitting around all day. He rubbed his back with a sigh, wishing the ache would go away.

"Are you alright?" Sakusa appeared out of nowhere, nearly making Atsumu jump. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at the head of dark curls towering over him.

"Jus' antsy, an' a bit tired," Atsumu answered, resting his hand on his baby bump and waddling over. Sakusa leaned down so Atsumu could scent him, breathing in the light pheromones and grinning at the aroma. "I didn' think they'd be so damn heavy," Atsumu muttered, his feet tired already. Sakusa seemed to be thinking for a moment, the way he pinched his brow just a millimeter, the only sign of any emotion.

He stepped behind Atsumu, sliding his arms under the blond's shoulders. 

"Um... Omi, what are you—ooh~" Atsumu moaned, closing his eyes as Sakusa hooked his hands under the swell, and raised the baby bump, holding it with his strength. Atsumu felt instant relief like he had just lost twenty pounds off his back, his exhausted muscles relaxing at last. "Fuck... that feels good," Atsumu groaned, tilting his head back and resting it on Sakusa's shoulder. By this point, he didn't care that Sakusa was acting strangely. He was going to appreciate the almost clingy-like behavior while he still could.

Sakusa removed one hand and Atsumu almost whined, thinking that the Alpha was going to let go. But his other hand remained, rooted firmly under the bump and keeping the weight on his arm.

Atsumu gasped when Sakusa's hand rubbed his cock through Atsumu's thin sweats, practically pajama pants. He lowered his head to kiss Atsumu's scent gland, sending tingles down his neck and spine.

"Omi," he murmured. 

Sakusa pulled back, and the twenty pounds returned to his exhausted muscles.

Atsumu looked back to thank and question Sakusa when he saw the horrified expression on Kiyoomi's face.

"What?" Atsumu asked worriedly. 

Sakusa was quiet.

"Omi, what's wrong—"

"We need to establish some rules." Sakusa looked Atsumu in the eye. 

"Sorry?" Atsumu questioned. "Rules? Fer what?"

"I think you should start wearing scent blockers."



"I'll do the same."

"Wait," Atsumu said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Wasn't the whole point to scent each other?"

"I'm afraid our instincts will become too used to that kind of intimacy when it's only temporary."


That was like a knife to his gut.

And apparently, his inner thoughts were expressing themselves through the tears on Atsumu's face.

"Atsumu?" Sakusa had a concerned expression. "What's wrong?"

"Fuck." Atsumu turned away and wiped his face. 'Nothin's wrong, 'm fine," he answered, yet the tears didn't stop. "'M great. Just the stupid hormones."

Sakusa's look shifted from worried to realization.

"Atsumu, do you... have feelings for me?"

Atsumu froze.

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Where stories live. Discover now