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Atsumu was shocked when he opened the door and saw Sakusa standing outside.

"I heard..." he started. Atsumu felt the color drain from his face.

Osamu wouldn't—

"About your coaches finding out you were an Omega."

Atsumu blinked.

Oh thank fuck.

"Yeah... weren't too thrilled 'bout it," Atsumu murmured. "Osamu managed to convince them to let me play."

"That's good," Sakusa said. Atsumu nodded. "I... I also wanted to talk to you about that. If you ever need any help... or anything. If people bother you or—"

"I don' need handouts, Omi," Atsumu said, crossing his arms.

"Right." Sakusa looked him in the eye. "I just—"

"'Tsumu yer gonna be late fer the ultrasound!" Osamu shouted.

Atsumu froze.

Osamu walked to the door and glanced up. He gaped.

"Fuck—uh... hi, Sakusa-San," he greeted nervously. Sakusa nodded.

"Ultrasound?" He asked. Atsumu grabbed his brother's wrist and squeezed it warningly.

"What? Ultrasound? Who said that?" Osamu asked stupidly. Sakusa stared.

"Are you pregnant?"

"What?! No!" Atsumu denied.

Sakusa closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Atsumu felt worried. Would he... be able to tell?


No way.

"You're pregnant aren't you?" Sakusa murmured.

"No, 'm not—"

"Miya, you know you start blinking a lot faster when you lie?" He wondered. Atsumu's breath hitched. "I don't know why you would lie about something like that."



Sakusa's eyes widened. "Is it... mine?"

Atsumu slammed the door shut.

He gasped, walked backwards and bumped into the table, before falling into a chair. He gripped the edge of his seat and stared at the door.

"Fuck," he muttered.


"Fuck!" He shouted, gripping his hair and closing his eyes as tears started to form. "What do I do?" He mumbled. Atsumu looked up at his brother. "'Samu what do I do?" He asked helplessly. Osamu watched his brother crying softly. "Tell me what to do," he begged. Osamu walked over and swallowed thickly.

"'Tsumu," he said softly. "I think you should talk to him."

"About what?!" Atsumu sobbed.

"About the babes," he answered. "Yer eighteen weeks, 'Tsumu. It's already gettin' hard to hide it." He glanced down at Atsumu's stomach. "Just... tell him what happened. What's goin' through yer head. 'Cause ya aren't tellin' any of us what is." He stood up straight. "He's still at the door. I can smell him."

Atsumu sighed, wiping his eyes.

"Will you even let him in?" Atsumu questioned.

Osamu rolled his eyes.

"I can control my instincts. Prick."


"Shit fer brain."

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Where stories live. Discover now