Belly Trouble

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Atsumu held the hem of his shirt, crumpled in his hands and pinned to his chest. His face was pinched as he looked in the mirror.

Atsumu had expected to grow a belly. Stretch marks had developed on his skin. He was meant to have a baby bump, obviously. But look at his twenty-four-week swell he felt a bit...


He hadn't really worried about it when he was in heat, but that may have been more because his brain was foggy from pheromones and hormones. The twins had grown significantly, daily. And Sakusa had sex with him like this. Atsumu chewed his lip.

He was upset.

He was upset that he was insecure about something perfectly normal and natural.

His shirts were too tight now, and he could feel the weight of the coconut-sized babes.

Atsumu hadn't expected the two to grow so fast. It was only a few weeks ago he was still going to school, hiding the small bump as he hopped from class to class.

Well, more than a few weeks, but still.

Atsumu dropped the hem and sighed, turning on the sink and leaning over awkwardly to wash his face. He had at least experienced a pregnancy glow, his skin unblemished and practically... glowing.

There was a gentle knock and the door, so he quickly dried off and opened it. Sakusa was on the other side, dressed rather nicely. Black jeans and a black button-down tucked into the waistband.

"Doncha look nice, Omi?" Atsumu teased, waggling his eyebrows. Sakusa scoffed quietly.

"I'm going to stop by the grocery store on my way back. si there anything you want?"

Atsumu perked up.

"Fatty tuna! And kara mucho!" Atsumu chirped. Sakusa crossed his arms.

"No spicy food. It's bad for the babies."

Atsumu frowned. "But-"


"Fine." He looked away and pouted. Sakusa leaned down, cupping Atsumu's chin and lifting his head.

"Don't pout. I'll make fatty tuna for you."

Atsumu's eyes widened and a grin split across his face.

"Okay!" He waddled towards the steps and gripped the railing, slowly making his way down the steps. It was a bit difficult to hold himself up and stand around, but at least everything was close by. He moved towards the couch and sat down, leaning against the backrest with a sigh.

Sakusa followed, clasping a watch to his wrist.

"Where are ya goin'? Gotta hot date?" Atsumu teased. Sakusa paused. "Omi?"

"My parents encouraged me to meet with a girl tonight," Sakusa started. Atsumu didn't like where this conversation was going. "I agreed to meet with her to see if we are... compatible."

"Are ya plannin' on bein' in a relationship?" Atsumu blurted out, tapping his foot nervously. Sakusa turned over his shoulder.

"At some point, yes," he answered. Atsumu started to release distressed pheromones as his thoughts ran wild. He didn't notice Sakusa rush over to his side until he grabbed Atsumu's hands, trying to calm him down with his own scent. There was a caramel smell seeping into his nose and settling his nerves.

"Atsumu, I promised you I'd help you raise them. I stand by that promise," Sakusa started firmly. "I will help you through this, don't worry. I'm going to be there for the babies."

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