Third Trimester

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Twenty-seven weeks

"Omi I feel like shit," Atsumu groaned, closing his eyes while he leaned back against the couch.

His back and lower hips were aching. His thighs were sore. His throat was sensitive.

"I changed my mind, I don' wan' kids," Atsumu muttered.

Osamu laughed, appearing from the kitchen and setting down a bowl of yogurt with fruits in it. "I told ya you'd regret it," he hummed, sitting next to his twin and moving the bowl to Atsumu's hands.

The blond grumbled but started eating while they watched TV. Atsumu felt his brother's eyes on him while he ate.

"What?" He asked, looking at his twin. Osamu shrugged as he stared at the belly bump.

"Just... didn't think ya'd get so fat," he teased. Atsumu frowned and looked down.

"Do I look bad?" He asked.

"Ya always look bad, 'Tsumu," Osamu replied.

Atsumu's felt his bottom lip quiver. Tears threatened to spill as he looked away.

"'M I ugly?" He wondered quietly. Osamu wasn't looking at him when he responded almost instantly with a,

"Yeah. Ugliest bitch I know."

That pulled the gates open.

Atsumu felt tears roll down his cheeks while he tried to blink through them, watching the drops land onto his shirt.

"Wha—hey, 'Tsumu, what's the matter with you?" Osamu asked.

"What happened?" Sakusa asked, walking towards the two from the bathroom.

"I dunno, he just started crying—"

Sakusa's scent soured almost instantly.

"What the hell did you do?" He asked harshly. Atsumu choked back a sob, the smell only making him feel worse.

"The hell—are ya challengin' me?" Osamu questioned, standing up and glaring.

Atsumu covered his mouth, gagging on the pheromones.

"Stop," he cried, wiping the snot from his nose while his eyes continued to leak.

"Shit," Osamu muttered, backing down and sitting down. "'M sorry 'Tsumu," he said, looking a bit guilty.

"Get away from him," Sakusa advised with a bit of heat behind his words.

Atsumu curled up against him when Kiyoomi sat down, fingers trembling while he gripped his shirt and silently begged for more calming pheromones.

Sakusa cupped his chin gently, damp from tears, and invited Atsumu to scent him.

The fake blond was more than happy to oblige, quickly pressing his nose against Sakusa's scent gland and feeling his nerves start to settle.

"You smell like shea butter," Sakusa murmured. Atsumu whimpered, inhaling deeply to relax while his arms hooked around his neck, pulling Sakusa closer. "I'm sorry, we must have stressed you out, hmm?" Atsumu nodded weakly. He hated this. Being so weak to pheromones and having his hormones control him so easily. He hated being sensitive.

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