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Meian was there for Akihiko's third birthday.

Meian was there when Akihiko was rushed to the hospital after catching a cold.

Meian was there when Atsumu sobbed in the waiting room, waiting to hear about his baby.

Meian was there when Akihiko got better.

Meian was there for seven months

Because it took Meian seven months to figure out...

Atsumu's heart was lost long before he came to take it.

It was mid-June. Warm, sunny, summer. Atsumu had given Akihiko to Sakusa for the day so he could go on a date with Meian. The two had decided to make the most of the day, starting with breakfast at a seaside cafe, followed by a walk through the town. Meian had made reservations at an Italian restaurant that had grown very popular. After lunch they would head to a museum Atsumu had been dying to check out — he had, very recently, found himself obsessed with art museums — and after a bit more walking, would end the day with home-cooked dinner at Meian's and a bottle of wine.

Perhaps a little more, depending on how exhausted they were.


Atsumu tugged off his shoes and slipped into the blue slippers as he walked inside the unit. Meian's apartment was nice, cool compared to the heat from outside. The lights were off, but as soon as they flickered on he could see the tasteful furniture and open space. Meian led him to the kitchen and had him sit on a stool by the island, pulling out a bottle of red wine and pouring it into a glass for him. Atsumu swirled the dar liquid before inhaling and taking a sip.

Usually, he avoided drinking during the season, but one glass wouldn't hurt.

"What are ya makin'?" Atsumu asked curiously, setting the wine glass down and leaning over. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a white graphic t-shirt. Meian glanced back with a smirk, dressed in black pants and a black t-shirt. Atsumu tilted his head to the side, awaiting his response.

"Fatty tuna."

Atsumu perked up.

"Really?" He asked excitedly. Meian hummed. "Aki's been askin' about'cha," he murmured, running his finger of the lip of his glass and smiling softly. "He likes ya. A lot."

"He's a sweet kid," Meian replied quietly. Atsumu huffed out a laugh.

"Yeah, he is, isn't he?"

"Though, you and Kiyoomi do a good job of splitting the time with him, which is even sweeter."

Atsumu bit his lip.

"Omi's a good dad."

"Partner too."

"Yeah... probably a good mate as well," Atsumu mumbled. His head shot up. "Why are we talkin' bout him though?" He wondered with a grin. Meian chuckled.

"Here." He plated the food and handed it to Atsumu, who took it with hungry eyes.

"Thanks, Shuu," he said, moving up to peck his cheek. Meian smiled and looked away.

The two ate and talked, laughing as the night went on, and before long it was nearing nine in the evening.

"Omi's got Aki," Atsumu suddenly said, leaning his head against Meian's shoulders the two sat next to each other. "I could... stay the night."

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Where stories live. Discover now