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Atsumu glanced around the waiting room nervously. It was obviously strange for others to see two teenagers sitting down. Male Omegas rarely got pregnant. For one, it was strange. Gay relationships were frowned upon in Japan.

"Miya Atsumu?" A soft voice called. Atsumu and Sakusa stood up. The two entered the bright white room, where the doctor stood.

"Good afternoon," she greeted warmly, pulling on a glove. "Who is this with you?"

"This is the babies' father," he answered. The doctor seemed surprised.

Atsumu was too. He had no idea how he managed to get Sakusa in bed.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi," he introduced himself, bowing.

"Pleasure to meet you, dad," she hummed. "Alright, shall we get started?"

Atsumu sat on the chair and reached for his shirt. He suddenly felt very self-conscious with Sakusa around. He pulled the hem to his chest and revealed his pale skin. His muscles had disappeared, replaced with a thin layer of fat and a slight swell in his belly. The doctor squirted the ultrasound gel onto his skin and Atsumu sucked his teeth, hissing quietly. Why did it have to be so cold?

"Okay, " she said, running the device over the faint bump. "It's week twenty so we should be able to tell the genders," she explained. Would you like to know?" Atsumu nodded. She stared at the pixels. "Looks like you're having a baby boy," she hummed, staying still momentarily and gesturing to the screen. Atsumu nodded cluelessly. "See that protrusion?" She asked, pointing to the screen. Atsumus was about to nod again when his eyes widened.

"Oh my god," he murmured. "I see it." He gaped, staring at the black and white static in awe. "Oh my god..." Sakusa wasn't smiling, but his eyes were trained on the screen as well. "Oh my God... where's the other?" Atsumu asked excitedly.

"Mm... right here," she answered. "A baby girl."

"What?!" They both asked. "'M havin' a boy 'n' a girl?" Atsumu asked, eyes getting misty again. The doctor nodded.


"Omi, it's a boy and girl," he said, looking up at the dark-haired teen. Sakusa looked down at him, adjusting the black mask over his nose.


Atsumu's smile faded.

Was Sakusa... unhappy?


The walk home was quiet.

Atsumu's mind was not.

He replayed Sakusa's expression back at the doctor's over and over.

Why did he look so nonchalant? Was he having second thoughts? Did he not want responsibility or involvement with the kids? Atsumu wracked his brain for answers.

"Atsumu," Sakusa suddenly spoke, shocking the teen out of his spiral. He looked up at the taller, eyes darting between Sakusa's and the floor. "Can I scent you?" He wondered. Atsumu blinked. He blushed when he walked through the door briskly, replying, "inside," as he kicked off his shoes and entered the house.

He hadn't expected that.

Sakusa followed after, stepping into his slippers and hooking his hat onto the knob by the wall. Atsumu scurried over to the couch and sat down, propping up his feet with a sigh. Sakusa sat next to him, a few feet away.

Atsumu wanted to be closer.

He liked Sakusa's pheromones. A lot.

"Now ya can scent me," he mumbled, looking away to hide the pink staining his warm cheeks. Sakusa leaned in, nestling his nose in Atsumu's shoulder and inhaling.

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