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Atsumu groaned quietly as he lifted his head with a strained neck. He was aching everywhere. His skin was irritated from hickeys and the back of his neck well...

His hips and thighs were sore, and the thought of getting up for practice seemed like torture. A glimpse of black hair and his eyes were open wide, staring down at the fast asleep Kiyoomi. Peaceful. Now that he thought about it, Sakusa's face rarely contorted. Only when he was upset or...


A blush crept up his face.

Last night.

Last night was...

"Wait—wait it's—nghfuck!"



Atsumu buried his face in his pillow and kicked his legs.

"Ah—!" He winced in pain. He pushed himself upright and felt his legs tremble. He tried to roll onto his back and hissed again at the aching. Looking down at himself he marveled at the bruises. Bite marks and finger prints. He reddened while he traced the faint shades against his skin. Sakusa really wanted him. Right then and there. He couldn't bite back the smile on his face.

He did have to get up though.

And he had practice.

"Fuck," he muttered, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and pressing his hands firmly into the mattress as he winced. A wave of dizziness washed over him and shuddered, goose bumps prickling his skin. An arm wrapped around his waist and he jumped, whipping his head around to see a half awake Sakusa looking up at him.

"You're up early," he mumbled, rubbing his fingers over Atsumu's side.

"What time is it?" Atsumu asked, glancing over at the clock. It was two in the morning. "Jesus Christ," he gaped, rubbing his eyes and blinking. "I was gettin' ready ta leave. Thought it was already five," he muttered to himself.

"How are you feeling?" Sakusa wondered, propping himself up on one elbow and rubbing Atsumu's back. The latter shuddered a bit, crawling back under the covers and snuggling closer to Kiyoomi. The two stared at each other quietly, not with prying eyes but simply soft expressions.

"Sore," he admitted, eyes glassy from sleep. "But in'a good way." Sakusa lifted his large hand to brush a few strands of hair away from Atsumu's face. Then he cupped his cheek and caressed him with a thumb, rubbing it back and forth slowly.

"You smell like coconut," he murmured, blinking slowly. Atsumu threw a leg over Sakusa's hip and wrapped his arms around his torso, pressing himself flush against Kiyoomi. He closed his eyes and buried his face in his lover's neck, taking in large breaths.

His post-bonding state had been lovely so far, tranquil and satisfying. Complete, even.

The two were so engrossed by each other they didn't hear the door open. Atsumu cracked an eye open when he feels a dip in the bead and soft huffing.

"Gah!" He exclaimed when a head weight crashed on top of him. Sakusa also awakened, the two facing a giggling, joyful Akihiko who was staring down at them with a delightful expression.

"Aki, baby, what are ya doing up?" Atsumu asked, sitting up slowly and taking Akihiko into his lap.

"I heard you whispering," he admitted, flailing his legs and turning to press his back against Atsumu's chest. The fake blond leg out a little "oof" when he got kicked in the process, but he placed his arms around Akihiko once he had rearranged himself. "And 'Samu Ojisan gave me sweets. They're in my room."

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