A Long Weekend

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Atsumu wasn't thinking clearly.

Then again, no Omega in heat really was.

Still, he was lucid enough to know that it was Sakusa he wanted. So when he walked into the room Atsumu was more than willing to open himself up to him.

Sakusa however, was still hesitant.


Atsumu panted, lying on his back while he covered his face with a pillow. His back arched and his hips twitched, his cock leaking pre onto his stomach while it bobbed helplessly, begging to be touched.

Sakusa had Atsumu's legs on his shoulders, trembling, while he lapped up the slick spilling out of Atsumu's hole.

With his tongue.

"Fuck—Omi~!" He groaned, his hole twitching every time Sakusa's tongue prodded the flesh.

Atsumu figured Sakusa would hate oral. Since he was a germaphobe and all.

Maybe his Alpha took over and didn't care—

"Ohgod~!" Atsumu moaned, gripping the pillow and pressing it harder against his face. Sakusa had started palming his aching cock.

"For an Omega your pretty big," Sakusa hummed, his hot breath hitting Atsumu's thigh before he dug his teeth into the pale flesh. Atsumu shuddered, precum beading the head of his cock while slick started building up even faster. "But you get so wet. You're quite sensitive." Atsumu gasped when Sakusa pushed his tongue past his rim. He pulled out, then pushed in again, then out once more.

Holy fuck, Sakusa was tongue-fucking him was giving him a hand job.

Atsumu could die happy.

"Omiiii..." he cried.

All he could think was


Please give me more.


"Shit—fuck~!" Atsumu swore, the sudden vibration catching him off guard. Sakusa's hand was wet and warm, stroking him a bit too slow for Atsumu's liking. He bucked his hips and fucked into Sakusa's hands, dirty moans muffled by the pillow still planted firmly over his bright red face.

Sakusa released Atsumu's cock, earning a pathetic whimper from the blond. He kept eating Atsumu out, pushing his legs apart and spreading his hole.

"You taste like vanilla," he declared, pulling his tongue away and making Atsumu whine. "Unfortunately, I can't just eat you out," he sighed.

Was he disappointed?

What the fuck?

"You need more right?"

Atsumu sobbed into the pillow.

"Ye—s," he answered weakly.

"Are you going to hide your face the whole time?" Sakusa wondered, voice slightly stiff from holding back.

Atsumu didn't reply.

He didn't want Sakusa to hold back.

He wanted Sakusa to grab his hips and fuck him.

"Unghh~" he moaned, feeling a thick finger slip inside. "Omi... oh—"

"You know," Sakusa started, pushing another finger inside and making Atsumu groan. "Male Omegas probably feel the best out of all of us."


"Since you can stimulate their uterus—" Sakusa curled his finger, brushing against something. Atsumu nearly choked on the noise escaping his lips. A strange jolt surged through his body, he wasn't quite sure if it was pleasure or not. "—and their prostate." Sakusa's other finger rubbed Atsumu's prostate.

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