Practice Match

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Inarizaki had scheduled a practice match with Itachiyama.

So naturally, things were going to be awkward.

Or, so Atsumu thought.

When they arrived, Sakusa treated him the same as usual. Barely acknowledging his presence and appearing annoyed by Atsumu's every... everything.

Atsumu was almost convinced he didn't remember a thing from the night before.

Until he was cornered in the bathroom.

Sakusa pushed open the door just as Atsumu had finished washing his hands.

"O-Omi," he said, surprised. The volleyball player was wearing his yellow and green zip-up. "What's up?"

"Miya, I have a very important question. You need to answer honestly," he said. Atsumu tense. He smelled like melting plastic. Atsumu covered his nose without thinking.

His mother had taken him to the doctors, who had very clearly explained he could not take suppressants during the second trimester of his pregnancy, and needed to ween of them in his first.

A month and a half had passed.

a slight swell had formed in his abdomen, just barely there. not visible. Unless someone knew he was pregnant.

He had gone from taking the average dose to about half the usual. Which meant his already sensitive nose was even sharper.

So when Sakusa suddenly released his pheromones he nearly choked.

"That answers my question," he muttered. Atsumu froze. "Why didn't you tell me you were an Omega?"



Hold on.

"I-" Atsumu stammered.

"You could've gotten—I could have gotten you pregnant, Miya," Sakusa said. "Do you know how bad that would be for you? Teenagers can't give birth they're bodies haven't developed, no matter what people say. It's hard to get to abortion clinics with most of them shut down thanks to all these religious fools. What if you had to give birth? You'd completely ruin your life, your dreams—"

All of Sakusa's concerns were about...


"You said you hated Omegas," Atsumu murmured. Sakusa paused.

"No, I said Omegas smell. Usually sickly sweet," he corrected. Atsumu clenched his jaw.

"Fuckin' Alphas," he muttered. "Ya guys think yer the shit, huh? Cause yer supposedly a bit smarter and stronger and faster than the rest of us." Atsumu walked over and glared. "But it just makes ya bigger pieces of shit."

"Miya, I think you misunderstand," Sakusa cut in. "I don't hate Omegas. If I did I wouldn't be talking to you right now."

Atsumu opened his mouth. "Then what do ya get out of confirmin' I'm one?"

"I just need to know if you're pregnant or not," Sakusa replied. Atsumu crossed my arms.

"If I am?" He wondered. Sakusa's eyes widened slightly.

"I'll pay the abortion fees. I shouldn't have knotted-" he sighed, furrowing his brow. "Even if I thought you were a Beta, I shouldn't have. It was my mistake."

"And if 'm not pregnant?" Atsumu pressed. Sakusa tilted his head to the side.

"We act like it never happened."

Atsumu scoffed, but his heart ached at those words.

So he was just a mistake.

A silly one-night-stand.

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