Lazy Bullshit

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Atsumu got to come home a few days later.

He still felt awful, with sore nipples and the angry red incision on his belly. He had become much more conscious of the excess fat and purple stretch marks now that he was no longer housing Akihiko. It didn't do great for his confidence, be he spent most of his time simply adoring the baby.

But at night he felt it.

Anxiety filled him to the brim, bringing tears to his eyes and making his heart throb. He had read about cases of depression after giving birth since hormone levels were trying to even out. But he couldn't rely on anyone to help him through it.

Sakusa was ever-present, caring for Akihiko when Atsumu was in too much pain, and waking in the middle of the night when the baby cried.

The first few weeks were hell.

Atsumu and the baby were constantly in need or upset.

Sakusa was surprisingly good at taking care of them. He changed out the cold towels Atsumu had over his sore skin and changed Akihiko's diapers without fail. He was really... an amazing dad. An amazing partner.

After about seven weeks, Atsumu had recovered to start moving about.

He walked gingerly, the scar still sensitive. He was able to shower and care for himself. He could lift up Akihiko and hold him in his arms.

All Atsumu ever wanted to do was hold Akihiko.

Of course, at night he was exhausted when Akihiko wailed. He hated making Sakusa do all the work. But he seemed more than willing to help out. He was much better with Akihiko than Atsumu was.

It was a bit unsettling.

Atsumu had the occasional thought flash by.

What if Sakusa took Akihiko away? What if he abandoned Atsumu and the baby. But seeing how careful and gentle he was, Atsumu could never harbor the idea for long. Still, it didn't stop it from popping up every once in a while.

Hee finally started working out again.

Atsumu needed to get into shape fast if he wanted to return to school. Akihiko was taken care of by the staff of the house which Sakusa had allowed back in, under the command to not breathe a word to his parents. Akihiko was looked after by his mother and Atsumu for the most part during the school days. But Atsumu had ramped up his training by July.

And by late August of his third year, Atsumu was back to his prepregnancy state, with a few battle scars to add.

"Miya! You're finally back!" Someone shouted. Atsumu grinned. "Heard ya got mono. Fuckin' idiot."Atsumu chewed his lip through his smile.

"C'mon, coach is waitin'" Osamu said, dragging him to the gymnasium. His teammates hurried over to see how he was doing, and a few teased him per usual.

Stepping on the court was as easy as breathing.


Atsumu wasn't sure how it was possible, but he felt much more confident as he played his first practice match in months.

Akihiko grew each day, babbling and squealing and smiling as winter came about. He had started crawling, note very well, but still.

Before long, Atsumu was graduating.

He had been scouted.

And funnily enough.

Sakusa had been too.

Atsumu was about to see a whole lot more of his unrequited love.

But when Atsumu turned twenty, things started to grow...

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