Say It

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"Can we talk?"

Sakusa glanced up from his spot at the kitchen counter where he was holding a mug of tea. Atsumu was holding Akihiko's hand as the stood at the base of the staircase.

"Papa," the boy murmured, rubbing his eyes and waddling over to Sakusa.

"Why is he awake?" Sakusa asked, turning his chair and hoisting Akihiko onto his lap. Atsumu ran his hand through his hair and faced him with tired eyes.

"He told me he was hungry but I think he just wanted to see ya." He yawned, walked over, and stroked Akihiko's hair before leaning down and kissing his cheek. "Want Ma to make somethin' fer ya baby?" He asked. Akihiko pressed the side of his face into Sakusa's chest, his eyelids drooping. "Ya want some warm milk?"




"Hmm..." Atsumu walked into the kitchen and pulled open a cabinet. And stood on his toes and grabbed a cardboard box filled with small paper bags.


"Aki, y'know daddy has trouble sleepin'?" Atsumu asked, sloshing the kettle to see how full it was before turning the kettle on.

"No," he mumbled, nuzzling Sakusa's chest while he rubbed his back.

"He'd stay up so late, every time I came downstairs he was awake. Scared me half ta death some nights."


"Tea always calms ya down, though." Atsumu walked over and gently squeezed Akihiko's face with his hand. "Ya want some tea?"

"Is it sweet?"

"No, baby. Sugar'll keep ya up."

Akihiko frowned.

"Want ta try some from daddy?"


The fake blond looked up.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked. Atsumu bit his lip. When he didn't get a reply Sakusa pressed the lip of his cup against Akihiko's mouth and let him taste it. The boy cringed.

"Yuck," he grumbled, tugging on the sleeve of his white onesie. It was decorate with red and blue cars. Atsumu hummed with a smile and slid over a bowl of almonds. Sakusa inhaled sharply.

Atsumu noticed.

He smelled like almonds when he was in heat.

Akihiko picked one up and crunched it happily.

"You should sit up so you don't choke," Sakusa advised, pulled Akihiko up and turning him so his back was pressed against Sakusa's chest. Akihiko swung his legs while he ate the bowl of almonds. Atsumu rested his chin in his palm and smiled.

After another few minutes Atsumu managed to get Akihiko back in bed.

"Night ma," he mumbled, closing his eyes while Atsumu pulled back his hair to peck his forehead.

"Night, my love."

He turned off the light and quietly slipped out of the room.

He took a deep breath, then went back downstairs. It was almost ten and Sakusa was flipping through the pages of a book when Atsumu reappeared.

It was just last night when Sakusa had kissed him.

He needed answers.

"Why did ya kiss me?"

Sakusa's fingers faltered on the pages. He sipped his tea and didn't move from his spot. "It was an accident."

Atsumu clenched his jaw.

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Where stories live. Discover now