One: Fukurodani

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Akaashi's POV

As I strolled down the halls of Fukurodani Academy. I walked to my class, straightening my light blue tie while heading there.

I walked through the doorway and sat down in my assigned seat as I usually do. I waited patiently for the teacher to come into the classroom and start the lesson. While I waited, I opened up my notebook and began to write on it to prepare for what we were going to do today.

The teacher entered the classroom five minutes later. She began to write today's lesson on the chalkboard. The entire classroom was silent except for the screeching of chalk on the board and the scratching of pencil on paper.

The peaceful silence was interrupted by the door slamming open, revealing a girl with her hair sticking up in every direction. Her backpack was barely on her shoulder and her glasses were askew on her face.

"I'm really sorry that I'm late!!" She cried, trying not to pant too heavily. Judging by the state she was in, I guessed that she had ran all the way to the classroom. "Something came up, sorry."

To my surprise, the teacher did not chastise her like she usually did with tardy students. Instead, she gave a sympathetic smile and nodded understandingly. "It's quite all right. Class, this is your new classmate, Y/n L/n. You can sit over there next to Akari." The teacher nodded to an empty seat behind me. 

She straightened her glasses and tamed her hair before walking to her desk with a little bounce in her step. Akari waved to L/n with a bright smile plastered on her face and the new girl waved back, matching Akari's grin. 

The teacher cleared her throat and the two girls turned away from each other, bringing their full attention to the teacher. 

After class, I sling my book bag over my shoulder. I noticed L/n and Akari were getting along nicely. I thought nothing of it and walked out the door to head to my next class. 

"Hey." A voice said behind me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. L/n stood before me, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear to keep it from falling in front of her face. "I was wondering if you could tell me where Class 4 is?"

I nodded and told her the directions to her classroom as quickly as possible so I wouldn't be late for my own class.

She thanked me and skipped through the hallways, earning curious looks from students in the halls.

Unfazed by her strange attitude, I walked to my own class and sat down in my seat.


I had texted Bokuto to meet me in the cafeteria. I constantly checked my phone for an answer from my best friend, but received no reply. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. I decided to head to the cafeteria and hoped he had already showed up.

When I walked into the cafeteria full of chatter, I scanned the heads of the students to find one with black and white hair. I heard a very loud laugh and my eyes darted in the direction of the guffaw. 

There he was. I strided over to him and once I caught his eye, he waved me over. "AKASHEEEE!!!" He screeched in his usual booming voice. "I met someone nice. Her name's Y/n L/n."

"I see, Bokuto-san. We've already met."

"HA?! And you didn't tell me you met someone so amazing?!" Bokuto exclaimed, hurt.

"No, no." I tried to calm him down before he turned into Emo Bokuto. "I was going to tell you about L/n when we met up."

"And Bokuto-san, we didn't exactly meet." she piped in. "Your friend just showed me the directions to my class. I don't really know him that well."

Bokuto looked happy and elated again, as if he completely forgot about his past feelings. 

"Whatever." I said, brushing what happened earlier off. "Let's get some lunch. You can come with us if you want, L/n."

"Please, call me Y/n." I nodded and so did Bokuto.  

"We can get to know more about each other while getting lunch!" Bokuto said, his voice's volume rising excitedly again.

"Okay, Bokuto-san." 

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