Fifteen: Cemetery

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Akaashi's POV

It had been 30 years since Y/n died. Thinking about her still sent a dagger into my heart. I couldn't move on, it was impossible. How could I just forget about Y/n? How could anyone? I was 48 years old. I was still single, and had a stable job. Everything seemed fine, but on the inside I was a mess. 

Rain was falling from the sky as I got out of my black car. I slammed the door shut. My hair immediately wilted from the weight of the rain. The droplets of water hit the ground, a soft tapping noise echoing in the quiet place. 

My shoes squished the mud below my feet, making funny noises. I knew if Y/n were still here, she'd deliberately take tiny steps so she could hear the sound more. I laughed dryly as I thought of her again. 

I clutched the (f/c) flowers in my hand, the stems bending slightly from my tight grip. I scanned the rows of gray, looking for the stone I was searching for. 

I finally found it and squatted down to place the flowers I got in the black vase. I took a handkerchief out of my coat pocket and proceded to wipe the rain water off the gray tombstone. Rain continued to pour down. I rendered my attempts useless and stuffed the damp cloth back in my pocket. 

Rain. It reminded me of the day outside the hospital with Y/n. The day we had our first kiss. The day I realized my feelings for her. "Thirty years and you're still occupying my mind." I said aloud, my eyes closed and my neck craned back. 

I looked back down and stared at the name engraved on the tombstone. 

Y/n L/n
(Y/bday), 1996 - August 28th, 2013

An old man and woman, about 70 years old, appeared out of nowhere and stood by my side. "Oh, my poor Y/n!" the woman sobbed. "I miss her so much! She didn't deserve this!" She cried into the man's shoulder. I assumed it was her husband. 

Her husband looked up at the sky, as if he was waiting for a miracle to happen. "We should've been there for her. I wish things were different." He shut his eyes and tears dripped from his eyes.

The woman noticed me from the corner of her eye and turned to look at me. "Who were you to her?"

The question stunned me. What was I to her? Her classmate? Friend? ...Lover?

"I-I was her friend. I assume you're her... parents?"

The woman nodded sadly and the man rubbed her shoulders soothingly. I felt a sudden urge to scold them and belittle them for not giving Y/n the love and affection she deserved. The love and affection she needed. 

But I couldn't do it. Y/n wouldn't have wanted me to. So instead, I did what she asked me to do:

"Don't worry, don't blame yourselves. She forgives you. I have to get going now. It was nice meeting you." I bowed at them respectfully and left the cemetery. 


Third Person's POV

Akaashi lay on the hospital bed with tubes sticking out of his arms. Doctors scurried around him, trying to keep him alive. 

Their acts were in vain, Akaashi knew that. He wasn't upset, though. He was perfectly content, maybe even happier to almost be dead than alive. 

He had lived a good life. 80 years. No wife, no children. Just him and his pet cat in his house, alone and away from everyone. The only person that saw him was Bokuto. Bokuto was the one that called the hospital when he realized Akaashi didn't look well. 

He couldn't wait to see the one person that made him happy anymore. "Y/n." he whispered. 

His soul left his body. 

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