Fourteen: Gone Forever

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Akaashi's POV

"Y/n I-"

I was interrupted by the horrifying noise of an extended beep ringing in the air. My eyes widened. She was flatlining. The high-pitched noise continued to ring. I couldn't move. My legs were frozen in place, like they were trapped in wet cement. I tried to move, to talk, just to do anything. 

But I couldn't. I remained frozen in shock, looking at Y/n's dilated pupils and slightly open mouth. 

I finally managed to shout out a hoarse: "Nurse!"

The familiar nurse rushed into the room, her blue mask dangling off her ear. Her white uniform was stained with little droplets of red. "She's-she's-"

She pushed past me and put her two hands on Y/n's chest. She pumped over and over to no avail. "Come on, come on. Live, start you stupid heart!" the nurse muttered under her breath. 

When a minute passed with no results, she ran out of the room to call for a doctor. I waited. And waited. The two minutes she was gone felt like an eternity. 

"'Kaashi." Y/n croaked from behind me. It was a goddamn miracle. 

My eyes lit up and I ran towards her. "Oh my gosh you're okay! Let me call the-"


I stared at her like she just bopped me on the nose. "What do you mean 'no'?" 

"I'm going to die anyway. Might as well spend my last moments alone with you."

I looked at her with a blank look on my face. I was confused. "Why me?"

"Because... because I love you!"

I barely had time to react when she grabbed my tie and our lips touched for a second time. It was a genuine kiss, way better than what I had felt in the rain that day. Warmth rushed through my body and I felt my face heat up. 

Then, her lips went limp. Her grip on my tie loosened and her head hit her pillow. Her eyes had a glassy, faraway look and her mouth was raised in a little smile. 

The smile she gave me everyday. The smile she gave whenever someone showed even a little act of kindness. The smile that was plastered on her face all the time, even though I only found out now that it was fake. That beautiful smile, hid all the ugliness. 

"Thirteen." Her voice was as quiet as the flapping of a butterfly's wings. 

And she was gone. 

No, she was taken. She was taken from me. Too soon. She still had so much longer to stay. To stay with me. It was too early. This wasn't fair. 

The world spiraled around me. My legs turned to jelly and my stomach did somersaults. My heart pounded like a timpani in an orchestra. My breathing accelerated. This was too much. Why me? Why me? Why me?

The nurse showed up at the doorway with a doctor by her side. I gritted my teeth and scowled. "You were too late! She's gone! And it's all your fault!" I screamed. 

I pushed the two of them out of my way harshly, ignoring their shocked gasps. I didn't care anymore. 

I trudged through the hospital hallways. Then I walked. Then I jogged. Then... I started to run. Ignoring all the people blocking my way. 

She couldn't just be gone. 

School was over ages ago, but I knew the custodian always forgot to lock the side doors for some reason. I slowly turned the brass knob, careful to not make a sound, in case someone might also be in the school. 

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