Ten: Cherry Blossoms

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13 Days Left

Akaashi's POV

After hearing about what condition Y/n was in, I decided I would spend every day with her. Trying to make her life happy and fulfilling. I wanted her to live the rest of her life with no regrets. 

I met up with her at school and talked to her about everything. I hung out with her after school and did whatever she wanted to do. I hugged her and did everything in my power to make her feel safe. 

After all our classes were finished, I texted her and requested that we meet up in front of the school's entrance. She texted back immediately, saying she might be a bit late. 

I slipped my phone back inside my pocket and walked through the hallway towards the exit. An arm wrapped around my shoulder. "AKAASHEEE!" a very familiar voice said, with a booming voice. 

"Yes, Bokuto-san?" 

"Why don't you hang out with me anymore? You always hang out with Y/n! Let's all hang out together!"

That's not what I wanted. I wanted to be alone with Y/n. But I couldn't say "no" to Bokuto-san, risking putting him in emo mood. I sighed heavily. "Okay, Bokuto-san. You can tag along."

He jumped for joy, almost hitting two students walking past us. 

Bokuto and I both waited for Y/n to come out and when she did, Bokuto ran up to her with incredible speed and enveloped her in a big bear hug. She looked stunned and surprised. "Oh! Hello, Bokuto-san!" she greeted him cheerily. 

She walked up to me and gave me a hug too. "We don't want 'Kaashi feeling left out, now do we?"

Bokuto shook his head in agreement. 

In a low voice, she asked me a bit harshly: "Is he gonna join us, or is he going to leave later?" Her question shocked me, it didn't seem like her to want Bokuto gone.

"He's gonna tag along. Is that alright?" I asked her nervously. I wanted her to have the best experience when she was with me, and if Bokuto made her uncomfortable, unfortunately I had to ask him to go nicely. 

"Yeah, of course that's alright!" she replied in her usual bubbly voice, completely the opposite of how she spoke to me earlier. 

We didn't have a clear idea of what we were going to do, so we just walked around. Y/n pointed out some cherry blossoms, and I steered us in the direction of them. 

Some of the cherry blossom branches that were covered in pink petals hung low. Low enough for Y/n to gently touch them with her delicate hands. Her fingers twitched a little, and I could tell from the strain in her expression that she was trying so hard to stop them. 

To avoid Bokuto noticing her twitchy fingers, I stood in between the two, blocking Bokuto's view of her hands. 

Occasionally, pink petals rained down from the majestic trees and got stuck in our hair. I pitied all the poor fools that parked under the cherry blossoms because their cars looked like they got a makeover from a five-year-old girl. 

Bokuto and I looked completely idiotic with pink not going along with our black jackets. Y/n on the other hand looked as majestic as the tree. She wore a pale, pink jacket and when petals fell on it, they almost blended in. The petals that decorated her hair made her look like a goddess. I could spend eternity looking at her like this. 

We continued walking, wandering aimlessly, still unsure on where to go or what to do. It was a pretty cold day for a spring afternoon. Gusts of wind blew every two minutes, messing up our hair and blowing the petals off us. 

I noticed how Y/n was shivering, and my guess was that it was because she was cold, not because of her disease. I stopped and she stopped too, making Bokuto also stop. We all stopped. Y/n's nose was red, her cheeks looked like two ripe cherries, and the tips of her ears were the same shade as a firetruck. 

I took off my black scarf and wrapped it around her carefully. It was a fairly long scarf, gifted to me by my aunt, so it wrapped around Y/n five times before finally reaching the end. Nodding with satisfaction, I continued walking. 

I suppose Y/n was still cold, because she latched onto my arm, still shivering but not as severe. "Hope you don't mind." she muttered. 

Of course I didn't mind. It was Y/n. 

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