Seven: Thinking Of You

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Akaashi's POV

I released the hug and looked at Y/n's blank face. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. That was all I wanted to know. "Did you not trust me? Did I make you uncomfortable?" I shot all my questions at her at once. 

She looked down, avoiding my gaze and I remembered things. "You tried." She nodded guiltily. She always wanted to talk to me. The phone call to say 'hi', all those times she was making conversation, she wanted to tell me. And I just shut her down. 

It was my turn to cry. "I'm so sorry." The first period bell rang and she got up from the ground. "We should probably get to class." She said, already turning her back on me to open the rooftop door. I didn't object.

As I sat in class, I realized how obvious her symptoms were. 

Her outburst. She blew up at such a little thing, I should've realized there was something wrong. 

Her forgetfulness. When she left her pencil case in the classroom (a vital piece of equipment for school) I thought she was just stressed or distracted, but it was really her disease that was making her not remember things.

Her clumsiness. When she dropped her notebook even though nothing touched her, I overlooked it and assumed it was normal; a lot of people were clumsy. 

It was all so obvious, staring me in the face, right in front of me. And yet I didn't see it, I was blind, oblivious. 

The reason she didn't do any schoolwork. I thought she was just lazy and didn't want to do homework. But she didn't want to waste the rest of her life, her last 28 days, studying. She wanted to die with no regrets.

The thought of losing her, such an indispensable part of my life, to some stupid disease tugged at my gut. The sensation made me want to cry. 

I was lost in thought and didn't hear the teacher call my name. "Akaashi."

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "Yes, ma'am?"

She sighed and rubbed her temple. "Could you read out page twenty-eight in our textbooks please? As I've asked five times." she asked, exasperated. 

The whole class burst out laughing and I turned red with embarrassment and shame. You're really taking up space in my brain. I scolded at my imaginary Y/n.


"AKASHEEEEE!" Bokuto screeched as he sat down at our usual table.

"Yes, Bokuto-san?" I responded coolly. 

"Where's Y/n?"

I hadn't noticed she wasn't here. I felt a pang of guilt for not noticing her absence. 

"I don't know where she is, Bokuto-san." I lied through my teeth. Of course I knew where she was. She was probably in the hospital where they were running tests on her and giving her treatments. 

We ate our lunches in silence until Bokuto piped up: "I miss Y/n. Usually it wouldn't be this quiet." His mouth was full of spaghetti.

"I miss her too." I whispered to myself, unintelligible to Bokuto because of the noisy cafeteria. 


In all my classes, I didn't pay attention. I thought of Y/n and feared for the day 28 days would be over. I put my head down on my desk and imagined false scenarios where Y/n would be okay. If only they were real. 

Timeskip again brought to you by Oikawa's flat ass

I lay in bed scrolling through my phone to get away from the thought of Y/n. I scrolled through social media and a picture caught my eye. It was Y/n and me. I remembered that day.

We were running out of school on a Friday, thankful that the school day was over. She wanted to go to a convenience store to buy ice cream. 

We walked out of the store holding our chocolate ice pops. We were walking down a sidewalk next to the ocean talking about life. 

Y/n noticed the sun that was setting and decided to take a selfie with me, the sunset shining brightly in the photo.

Y/n was balancing two pops in one hand, her other hand holding her phone. I smiled awkwardly, more preoccupied at how wonderful she was. 

It looked like Y/n had posted it on social media. The caption read: Me and Kaashi with our best friends the ice pops!

I smiled at the photo and stared at my phone screen for a long time. 

It seems I can't ever escape you, Y/n.

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