Two: New Friends

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Reader's POV

I was really glad that I had met Bokuto and Akaashi. We had introduced ourselves to each other at lunch and I really enjoyed spending time with them. So far at Fukurodani, I had made three friends. Bokuto, Akaashi, and Akari.

Akari was my friend during class, and after class I would meet up with Bokuto and Akaashi. That was a normal day for me. Classes, lunch with Bokuto and Akaashi, classes, hang out with Bokuto and Akaashi. That was what life was like at school for a couple of months. 

I was walking to my locker to drop off my bag and to grab my textbooks when a girl with brown hair cut in a short bob walked up to me. Her purple backpack was slung over her left shoulder. Her grey uniform skirt hung just below her knees and her white blouse lay untucked over her skirt. 

"Hi!" she said to me with a small smile. 

"Hi!" I said back, giving her a little wave. 

"You seemed really friendly and you're sorta new so I FINALLY decided to introduce myself. I don't know why I'm explaining my reason for talking to you right now.." the unfamiliar girl muttered awkwardly. "Sorry for babbling. My name's Yuri Ito. I'm a second year." 

"Nice to meetcha! I'm Y/n L/n! I'm also a second year." I replied cheerily. I stuck out my hand for her to shake. She grasped my hand firmly. 

We walked through the hallways until we hard to part ways to head to our classes. We waved our goodbyes and each walked into our assigned classrooms. 


I walked into the cafeteria holding my tray, searching for Bokuto and Akaashi. When I didn't see them, I walked over to an unoccupied table. Before I could sit down, I heard my name being called over the noise in the cafeteria. 

I turned around to see Yuri in a table full of people. She waved me over and I walked to her crowded table. "What's up?" I asked, cocking my head. 

"Come sit with us!" she said before turning to the students seated at her table. "You guys, this is the girl I was talking about. The really nice one!" They murmured a hello or a greeting to me. I noticed that Akari was one of the people sitting at the table.

I sat down at the table and began to start conversation. On the outside, I kept a cool, composed mask on. But on the inside, I was jumping for joy that I had made so many new friends. I spotted Akaashi and Bokuto walk into the cafeteria just as I finished my lunch and excused myself. 

I walked towards the two boys. I caught Bokuto's eye and he ran straight towards me, dropping his lunch tray into Akaashi's arms. Akaashi looked dumbfounded. Bokuto through his arms around me and enveloped me in a huge hug. "Hey Bokuto." I said, my voice a bit muffled from his big embrace. 

Eventually, Akaashi got Bokuto to calm down and to let me go. We all headed over to their usual table. I talked to them as they ate their lunch. 

When lunch was over, I met up with Yuri and Akari so we could walk to our classes together. 


When I got home, I kicked my shoes off, ignoring the rack my mom had bought to place our shoes on. I tossed my bag onto our brown bench. "Mom, I'm home!" I hollered. I received no reply. That was odd. Usually, my mom always greeted me with a hug or at least a hello. 

I climbed up the stairs and headed towards my mom's office where she usually was when I came home. 

There she sat in her black rolling chair, her head in her hands. Her shoulders were hunched up and she hiccuped every now and then. It seemed she was crying. My mother, who was usually a calm, collected woman, was crying like she was a kid who scraped her knee. 

"Mom?" I asked, taking a step inside the room.

She perked up at the sound of my voice and wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. "Oh! You're home." she said, surprised. 

I nodded slowly. "Why were you crying?" 

"No reason..."

I put my hand over hers and looked straight into her eyes. "Mom, I know that you're smart, kind, and awesome." She nodded in agreement. "But you suck at lying. What's going on?" 

It took her a lot of effort to avoid my stern gaze. "I just received a letter."

"From?" I pressed.

"It's from..."

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