Three: Catching Up

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Akaashi's POV

Y/n's friend group has gotten bigger and bigger. She has become very popular, befriending almost everyone at school. She always wore a huge smile on her face as she talked to her multiple friends. 

In the morning, I saw her walking through the halls talking with Akari and some other girls. I watched her from my locker, impressed that she had befriended so many people in such a short period of time. It made sense though, she had an amazing personality and was friendly to everyone, even if they weren't particularly nice back. 

As she parted ways to head to her morning class, I took that as an opportunity to talk to her. I hadn't talked to her in a while and I wanted to see how she was doing. I walked quickly towards her, slowing down when I was by her side. 

"Hey!" she said, the corners of her mouth lifting up to form a smile. "What's, uh, what's up?" 

I looked down and smiled to myself. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. We haven't talked in a while because you were surrounded by so many people."

"Oh! S-sorry about that!" she nervously rubbed the back of her neck. "I guess I was just... happy and got caught up with my new friends." 

I smiled understandingly at her. "It's fine, I don't mind. It's amazing how you made so many friends in just a few weeks, though."

"I guess it's just natural!" 

I chuckled at her remark. We continued to talk to each other as we were nearing our classroom. This was just like before, before she befriended everyone. 

We walked into our classroom and took our seats. Y/n was still giggling at something funny I said and it took her a while to calm down. 

The teacher cleared her throat and all chattering stopped in the classroom.


After school I took the bus home. As I hopped off the bus, my phone vibrated in the pocket of my jacket and I took it out to see who was trying to contact me. Y/n's name popped up on my phone screen. I was surprised to see her call as she had never called or texted me before. 

I answered and was greeted by a chirpy voice. "Hi!" she said with her usual bubbly voice. 

"Hey, Y/n." I answered monotonously. "What made you call?"

"No reason." she replied, drawing out the last syllable. "Just called to say 'hey'."

"You could've just texted me."

"Oh I know! But I wanted to call you!"

"Okay then. Hi."

The phone call was not to say 'hey' as it lasted for an hour. I fumbled for my keys as I tucked my phone between my cheek and shoulder. 

I sat on my bed and continued to talk to Y/n about silly, random things like which music artists were better or if the sun was just a huge fart. She's interesting that way. 

I glanced at my alarm clock by my bed. The glowing, red numbers read 11:23. I almost dropped my phone in shock. We had been talking for so long?! 

"Hey, Akaashi? I wanna tell you something. It's about-"

"Y/n, it's really late. I think we should go to sleep now since we have school tomorrow. Can you tell me tomorrow at school?" I interrupted, stifling a yawn.

"Oh! That's alright. Night, 'Kaashi." She replied, calling me by a nickname she probably came up with on the spot.

I muttered a good night, hung up, and put my phone on my nightstand.

I pulled the covers over my body and drifted to sleep.

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