Four: Jamming Out

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Reader's POV

I walked down the noisy halls of Fukurodani, clutching my backpack's strap with my right hand. I'm my left hand, I held my black math and English  notebooks to my chest, slightly wrinkling my grey uniform jacket.

I heard someone calling my name from behind, but ignored it and continued my conversation with Akari and Yuri. "So Y/n," Yuri started. "I was wondering if you could help me-"

She was interrupted by heavy stomping behind us. "Y/n..." a voice panted. I turned around and saw Akaashi behind me, bent over with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"You forgot your pencil case in the classroom." He said still out of breath. He took the familiar pencil case out of his uniform pocket and handed it to me. 

"Oh! Thanks..."

Suddenly, a herd of boys from the school's football team pushed past us to make their way to the door. Girls around me (not including Yuri and Akari) swooned and sighed, murmuring to each other about how good looking the team was and how much they wanted to date them. Boys chattered amongst themselves, obviously jealous of how much attention the football team was getting.

"Y/n, we've got to get going." Akari said, tugging on my arm. "We'll be late for class." 

I nodded. "Right." I agreed. "I'll see you later, 'Kaashi?" 


I walked away from Akaashi with my two friends.


I was in my room with loud, American pop music blaring from my phone. I sang along with the singers, occasionally fumbling on unknown lyrics. I sang loudly, not caring about how bad I was or who was listening. I added my own dance moves to go along with the song as well, pumping my fists in the air and bopping my head to the beat.

I glanced at my room door and almost stopped dancing when I saw Akaashi standing in the doorway, arms crossed and his eyebrow raised.

I pretended to not see him and ignored him. 

"Y/n. What are you doing?" He asked quietly, barely within earshot.

"What?!" I shouted over the loud music, pretending to not hear him. "You've gotta speak louder, I can't hear you!"

"I said what are you doing?!" He asked a little louder. 

"Huh?!" I continued pretending to not hear him to get a reaction.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He screamed.

I almost laughed out loud at his fed up expression. 

I ran up to my phone and pressed the pause button. "I was jamming out. Wanna join?" I asked.

He cocked his head at the unknown phrase. "Jamming out?"

I laughed. "It means to dance to music, basically." I explained. "It's really fun!" 

He raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be doing your homework or something? Like your Math or English?"

"I was going to do it after." I lied through my teeth.

He looked at me with an I-don't-believe-you-liar look. "And how would you do that if you don't have your notebook?"

I looked at him with confusion and surprise.

"You dropped it when those football idiots pushed past." He explained, pursing his lips.

I groaned and flopped onto my bed. "Why should I waste my time? I wanna have fun!" I whined throwing my hands down to hit the mattress.

"It's good for you. Education is essential to your life." He replied with a bored look on his face. "No matter how boring it is, you have to do it."

I sat up and thought for a moment. "Well then, let's make a deal. If I do my homework, you have to jam out with me. As in, dance and sing."

He looked at me as if I were a psychopath that just murdered somebody. 

"C'mon, 'Kaashi, it'll be funnnn!" I persuaded, holding out my hand.

He eventually gave in, with a look of regret all over his face. 

We spent the whole evening having fun, dancing and singing along with loud, pop songs. I had so much fun that evening.

Akaashi's POV

Y/n was a very... admirable person. She was fun and carefree and didn't care what people thought about her. She could sing in front of all of Japan without being embarrassed or getting stage fright. 

And though her dancing skills weren't the best, watching her was very pleasing. The same went for her singing. 

Y/n was the type of person to do what she wanted to do, not what others expected of her.

I was the complete opposite. I loved being the perfect student, the perfect son, the perfect everything. I did everything people wanted me to do and cared what people thought about me as it would affect me later on in the future. You could say I was a very stiff person.

To my surprise, I had more fun than I expected to have that evening. At first, I was embarrassed to act "foolish" in front of her, but I felt comfortable with her around. Like no matter what I did, she wouldn't judge me.

And that was one of the many things I loved about her.

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