Worst job interview ever-Part 1

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You're a modestly tall imp whose previous job was a stock clerk, but the original store you worked at burned down during an outbreak between customers while you were on your day off. You stopped by the place you once worked at and saw the ashes and rubble that was left behind. You could smell the smoke that still lingered in the air from the fire. You dig into your pocket and pull out your old work nametag and toss it into the piles of trash that littered the area. You went off to find another job. While walking down the streets of imp city, you came across a poorly drawn poster that said the following "Hiring new employees! Come in today to try out for the position!" You soon recognized who the company was from a familiar looking imp that was drawn on the poster, IMP. You think back to the commercials you remember seeing from the company on a tv channel you came across once. The company is a assassination business who takes calls from clients to kill someone from the living world. You make your way over to a building that had giant letters spelling out IMP and a set of horns atthe very top. You walk into the building and take the elevator up to the company's floor. As you get to the designated floor, you walk down the hallway and see moxxie dragging out filled black trash bags and setting them out in the hallway. You could clearly see that they were bodies but, whose bodies even. Moxxie wiped his hands on his pants and turned to the office door. Before he could go back inside you asked about the job interview they were having.

Y/N: Excuse me, is there still a spot open for the "postion"?

Moxxie turned his head to you and replied to your question.

Moxxie: Yes, everyone that came in before you hasnt been accepted for the application. We'd still like for you to try out but its most likely you're gonna end the same way like everyone else.

You became more attentive to what moxxie said about 'ending up the same'. From what hes described, everyone had the same outcome. You glance over at the black trash bags and see almost a dozen bags with the musk of rotting flesh and blood leaking from them in the hallway. You can kinda get the picture now that you were most likely going to be tested  for something, but if you fail somehow you will probably die as the result. Or it could be something else.

Y/N: Ill give a crack at it. I need another job and this looks like the only option available at the moment.

Moxxie: Well, come inside and I'll lead you to our boss's office. Thats where we're doing the job interview at.

You follow moxxie into the workplace and pass by a desks before stopping at door to blitz's office. Moxxie knocks on the door.

*Knock knock knock*

Blitz: Who is it?

Moxxie: It's me sir, and we've got another person whose interested in the job interview.

Blitz: Send em in already.

Moxxie opens the door to a room with a desk sitting at the very back, and sitting at that desk is blitz. He has his legs propped up on his desk with his hands behind his head. As you enter the room you could smell burnt gunpowder that filled the air around you.

Blitz: Go ahead, take a seat.

Blitz points his hand towards a seat infront of his desk. You walk over to the leather chair and notice the damage marks done to it. It has a few holes the size of bullets and some giant cuts in the wood of the chair's frame, which all seem to collect in one area where the head usually is when sitting down. You take a seat in the withering chair and wait patiently for the interview to start. Moxxie and millie both stand on both sides of you with a weapon of choice. Moxxie had a AR-15 as Millie had a large double bladed axe.

Blitz: So what's your name?

Y/N: Name's Y/N.

Blitz: Ah well Y/N, thank you for taking your time to come meet us. Lets get this thing started shall we?

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