Sixth stop...Oregon-Part 11

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Y/N: Loona! Loona! Wake up!

Loona: Mmmmmm....what?

Y/N: We're in a bit of trouble.

Loona: Wh-hat'd you mean.

Y/N: Blitz needs us to come to work as soon as possible.

Loona: Can't you him?

Y/N: I did but he said its a situation we all need to be there for. It's about the book, he said something about taking the grimoire to a guy who needs it for a festival.

Loona: Wait....fuck i forgot about that shit.

She got up from the couch.

Loona: How urgent is it cuz i wanna eat some breakfast before we go.

Y/N: Lucky for you, i made a few egg burritos for us to eat when we get there.

You set a bag on the dining table and dropped in a few tin foil wrapped burritos. You slung the bag over your shoulder and turned off the lights to the appartment. You and loona rushed over to IMP. The two of you met up with moxxie and millie in the main lobby as blitz stood silent at the center for everyone to see.

Blitz: Alright so, to start things off...i need to give this book to stolas for his harvest moon festival ceremony thing. And the problem is, we also need it. So i really need some ideas on how we can get this mission done while i have to go take care of this every night on the full moon bullshit.

Moxxie: I mean, it wouldnt hurt to have stolas cancel the harvest moon festival.

Blitz: Mmmmmmmnnnnyeah no can do with that one. Stolas will probably rip my asshole open if i tried to pull that.

Millie: What about cancelling the mission?

Blitz: Yeah id rather not find out the different ways lucifer will torture us before ending our lives.

Loona: I got nothing.

Blitz: *Sigh* Yeah were definitely fucked.

Y/N: Just open a portal, send us through, go do your thing, and then once you're done with that, reopen the portal for us to come home.

Moxxie: That could work. But how long would it take?

Blitz: Not too bad of an idea, but it may be a bit longer than expected, cuz i also have to do a "favor" for stolas afterwards. But the thing is i dont think its safe for you guys to be trapped in the human world for who knows how long.

Y/N: We'll be fine. We've done it before and we'll do it again.

Blitz: Okay, well while im gone, Loona's in charge.

Loona: Why me?

Blitz: Cuz everyone's had a turn at being leader.

Moxxie and Millie: We didn't.

Blitz: Soon you guys will get to be in charge. Before i send you guys out, grab all the shit you're gunna need in case you end up staying more than a day there.

You and moxxie both left to your own apartments to stack up on food and weapons while loona and millie stayed put. You both arrive with bags filled the resources you were going to need to survive in the living world.

Blitz: Don't forget to check out the email. See you hopefully before the day ends. I'll try to work things out with Lucifer because of the problemo we ran into.

You all entered the portal blitz opened up. The moment you exited the portal, you were introduced to a forest of pine trees. The only thing bare of the forest was the sunlight that seeped through the branches with no signs of its natural wild life. Loona turned into her human form before facing the three of you.

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now