The Parts Lucifer Left Out-Part 12

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Millie: Woohoooooooo alright!!!

Moxxie: Wait how?

Blitz: Read it vvvvvvvery clearly Mox! "Congrats IMP! You've fought bravely and have made it to the closing of your journey. Today there wont be any new monsters to massacre, so enjoy the day off. -(read more)"

Moxxie: What's that bottom portion that says re...

Blitz: Its probably just some more praises and stuff for our hard work. Lets go celebrate!!!!!

You got up from your chair and started heading out of the meeting room. Before you could exit the workplace, you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around to see loona.

Loona: Hey, what you doing right now?

Y/N: Probably just going home. You need something?

Loona: I was thinking that we should go celebrate at a bar or something.

Y/N: Sure.

Both you and loona made it to a bar that was local to the area. You both found a spot at a booth along the wall of the bar. You took a seat with loona sitting opposite from you. The waitress came to your table and loona ordered 30 shots.

Y/N: Do you really need that much?

Loona: Come on, one shot isnt gunna kill ya.

[13 Shots Later]

Y/N: Soooooo you're yelling me....that you started liking me after *burp* i what?

Loona: After we made that bet snd the race up to the top. It was the most fun i had going on missions. Cuz i usually sit around doing nothing, or just kill targets. To me its kinda boring to be honest. made it fun...for me atleast.

Y/N: I feel so fucking stupid...saying that shit out loud a few days ago. But there's no going back on it now.

Loona: kinda glad that you cleared that up for the both of us. Cuz it wouldve been awkward if i was having a huge crush on you and you didnt feel the same.

Y/N: Thats kind of a problem for most people, you like someone but you dont know whether or not they also got it for you as well.

Loona: Well here we are.

Loona stared at you while resting her head on her hand propped up on the table. She was smiling throughout all of it, not breaking eye contact. Your cheeks started to glow red and you looked down, feeling embarrassed from staring into eachother's eyes. Loona chuckled a bit.

Y/N: Ya know what we should do?

Loona: Do what?

Y/N: That 24 hour thing. We still haven't done it yet.

Loona: Oh god no.

Y/N: Dont worry, they're not weird ones. Lets start with the first one. I dare you to chuck one of these shots somewhere random in the bar right now.

Loona picked up one of the empty shot glass and yeeted it over to the the other side of the bar. You both could hear the glass shatter and knock a few things onto the ground, with banter quickly rising on who threw it. Both you and loona laughed to yourselves.

Y/N: Okay next one, ummmm. I dare you to...snatch someone's drink without getting caught.

Loona got up from the table to act like she was going to order another drink. She passed by one of the counter that had a friend group occupying four of the stools lined up. She went between two of the friends and asked the bartender for a pint of beer while she slithered her hand behind one of their backs to take a glass that was halfway filled. She passed it to her other hand behind herself and walked further down the stools. She downed the glass before sliding it next to someone's elbow who was too busy texting on their phone. She circled back to your booth and took a seat.

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now