The Iron Maiden-Part 10

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You were running down the street with an exorcist hot on your tail. You tried dipping around every corner but it would continue to pursue after you. You saw more imps running for their lives as exorcists hunted them down like a flock of sheep. Some of the exorcists you ran by looked at you with their same deviant grin as they chopped up the bodies of their victims with blood splattered all over their face. Your lungs were starting to give out on you at the worst time possible. Just as you thought you were in the clear, an exorcist flew down in front of you. You tried turning around the but the one from before was standing behind you. You started to panic as there was no way out. The exorcists slowly closed the gap, cornering you in between them both. You carefully backed up with the little room you had left. On of the exorcists raised his spear in the air and was ready to wipe your head clean off your shoulders. You raised your arms over your head in instinct to block the swing but deep down you know that it wasn't going to make any difference. The exorcist then began to bring his spear down at you..........

Loona: Y/N.........Y/N!

Loona shook your shoulders trying to wake you up. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. 

Y/N: Yeah what is it?

Loona: Its almost sunset, shouldn't we get the others now? 

You looked out to the horizon and saw how dim the sky was becoming while the sun slowly lowered.

Y/N: Yeah, open the portal......*yawns*

Loona: Come on, get up already. 

Loona slapped your chest and stood up. She pulled out the grimoire and summoned a portal to appear, out from it came blitz, moxxie, and millie. Moxxie was dragging behind him a dolly carrying materials on it. 

Moxxie: Aaaaand there! That should be all of it. 

You quickly went over the checklist you sent moxxie through text to confirm it was all you needed, "Barbwire, a few rolls of steel cables, tether rope, sinker weights, a set of wire pulleys, glow sticks...".

Y/N: Yep, were ready. 

You looked over the bushes and saw the speedboats taking off one by one. 

Y/N: Right on time. Alright once it gets down to only one of them moxxie, you know what to do...On second thought, millie and moxxie will take care of getting a speedboat for us while the rest of us will work on setting up the trap. I originally was gunna have you guys do it on your own but i felt like you would have some trouble trying to set it up, mostly because of blitz. 

Blitz: Hey!!

Y/N: Without further ado, lets gets started. 

You all went off into your separate groups with your own assigned mission. The three of you dashed over to the channel of the lake were you first teleported to earlier in the day. After you passed the human's house, you set down the equipment you took. You rolled out a tarp that had two massive fishing nets intertwined with barbwire, the three of you connected the corners of the net with the steel cables and hooked them up with the wire pulleys. You went to a spot that had a cluster of trees packed together and started screwing the pulleys on the sides of the trees facing outwards. You crossed to the other side of the water channel and assembled the rest of the makeshift pulley system. Meanwhile, M&M were stalking the police speedboats, watching as they got closer and closer to being only one left to leave. Moxxie had his sniper traced on the last two speedboats, waiting for one of them to finally move from the area. Soon one of the two remaining speedboats left. Moxxie waited for the very last one to start moving until he could make his move. As the last police speedboat was getting close to entering the channel, he shot the human piloting the speedboat and the other humans onboard. The unmanned speedboat rammed into the side of the lake giving them the opportunity to get on. Millie jumped onto the deck of the speedboat and stirred it away from the land before circling around to pick up moxxie and the equipment that was left behind for them to set up. They chuck the unconscious humans off the speedboat and moved it to the open water. The two started tossing out lines of rope that had a sinker weight tied on one end and a cracked glowstick with a empty plastic bottle tied on the other end as a float. They spread them all over the lake and piloted the boat back to the shore. After the three of you got done setting up the trap, you started heading back to the spot where you broke off from moxxie and millie. You saw that they were parked at the shore of the lake. 

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now