First stop...Long beach City-Part 3

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You headed off to work to start your very first mission. You were pretty excited for what was in store awaiting for you all. The moment you arrived at the office, you were picked up by someone and slammed into the wall. Your head flung back and hit the wall you were pressed up against, when you looked straight forward, you saw it was loona. 

Loona: You're in for hell for what you pulled yesterday. 

Y/N: Well you should've known you had it coming the second you stepped foot onto that rooftop. 

Loona growled, gleaming her white canine serrated teeth at you. She was staring you straight in the eyes as she had her hand wrapped around your neck. Blitz and the other two imps walked into the main lobby now seeing the commotion that's just happened. 

Blitz: Come on loonie, that is not how we treat family here. Set him down now.

Loona looked at blitz and then back to you. She let go of her grip around your neck, dropping you to the floor. With little effort, you landed on your feet. Loona walked away, snarling from how close she was to ripping you apart if no one had shown up. Everyone walked over to you to check up on you.

Moxxie: Are you okay Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine. 

Millie: What was that all about, looked like you were gunna get in a nasty fight with loona?

Y/N: Oh she's just being petty for no reason. 

Blitz: Well with that out of the way, lets get ready for today's assignment, shall we? 

Y/N: I'm ready when you guys are.

The four of you head into the meeting room and run over the basics and rules of the mission. 

Blitz: Alright everyone, today well be doing our normal killing routine but on a much bigger level. Now remember, 24 hours to kill and clean up. At any second now, Lucifer will send us all the details we need and well be out of here. For now, Id like to show you all what i have prepared for all of us. I got each and everyone of you hoodies and masks to conceal our identities while were out in the living world. We need a low profile and i think these will do the job for us.

Blitz lays out a stack of clothing in sizes that would fit everyone and five masks on the table. You picked up one of the masks and studied its design.

Y/N: These look pretty cool, where'd you get this at?

Blitz: I ordered them online. 

Moxxie:............How much did they all cost?

Blitz: Everyone's pay check. 

Moxxie: WHAT!!!!!

Blitz: Oh don't worry about it, well get that money back in no time. Remember that its lucifer that we're getting paid by. 

Everyone's phone went off with an email notification. Blitz pulled out his phone and read out the message sent by Luficer. 

Blitz: Speak of the devil himself, what did he send us today. "I hope you all are having a wonderful morning, i look forward to seeing your group's effort later on today. You all will be facing the Demonic Quetzalcoatlus from the Ring of Wrath. Your target will be located within Long Beach California, i do wish you all good luck on this mission. Don't forget to clean up after your self. -Lucifer" Hey, he also sent a link to something. 


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Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now