Third stop....England-Part 7

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Loona woke up to the smell of freshly made pancakes, which filled the entire apartment. She sat up and saw a plate already set beside the bed. She reached over to the plate and ate her breakfast cozy in bed. She walked over to the kitchen with her dirty plate and saw you cooking.

Y/N: Just set it by the sink. Also good morning.

Loona: Morning. Do you always cook like this in the morning?

Y/N: Sort of, I sometimes I eat cereal but that's on occasions when i feel lazy.

You used the pan to toss a pancake into the air before sliding a plate underneath for it to fall onto. You glazed the top off with a small cube of butter and syrup before handing it to loona.

Y/N: I know you're still hungry so I made you another one.

Without second thought, loona took the plate and ate the pancake you made extra.

Y/N: Please dont make this into a habit.

Loona: What did i do?

Y/N: Sorry not you, him.

You went to the bottom cupboard and opened it, revealing a hiding blitz. He looks up to you both and smiles.

Y/N: I already told loona this, announce that you are coming over instead of sneaking in or else you'll taken as a burglar. I've already had to deal with several of them in the past.  

[2 Hours Later]

Blitz: So this is the Great Britain huh? I've only seen some cows and geese and nothing seems great so far.

Moxxie: Most likely this is the countryside of England.

Millie: Reminds me of back at home in the wrath ring.

Blitz: Yeah, but you ever think they'd burn all these bushes cuz my ass is getting itchy as hell.

Moxxie: Those plants are called nettles. The hairs on them are what cause that stinging and itchy irritation when it makes contact with your skin. Its like a cactus that has long lasting after effects.

Blitz: Well that's nice to know after taking a huge shit in a bush that's full of them. I thought it was just mosquitos biting my ass but apparently not.

Moxxie: Sir you should've known to use the restroom before we set off on missions.

Blitz: Didn't feel it then Mox, but whenever I'm out and about, my body only then decides to shit.

Millie: Maybe you should eat earlier in the morning.

Blitz: I like sleeping in Mills.

Y/N: do I.

Loona: Hehehehe.

Blitz: What are you laughing at?

Loona: Nothing in particular.

Loona winks at you, still snickering to herself.

Y/N: Shouldnt we have just teleported closer to the location of the next monster? Instead of going on a hike.

Blitz: Well theres no fun in simply doing that, we might as well enjoy the nature that inhabits these lands.

The group walks through a valley with wild goats migrating in a herd together. You slowly start getting deeper and deeper into a forest. But one of the trees is completely dried up and dead of any color.

Y/N: How far until we get there?

Blitz: We should be pretty close to it now.

Moxxie: Weavers shouldn't really be much of a problem, for most of their existence they've never grown to be bigger than a few meters in diameter. Unless that's because they are kept within a small ecosystem or biome.

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now